Well, It's M*nday

Start from the beginning

Oh my God.

"Shut up!" Emilia hisses as she rounds on her brother. "Someone might hear your loud ass!"

"My ass is loud?" Nick asks, feigning a sort of confusion that reminds her of their father as he peers down at his own backside. "Man, you should have told me sooner. I could have put a jacket around my waist or something."

Rolling her eyes, Emilia opens her mouth to express her currently overflowing feelings about her brother's idiocy, but the bell rings before she can.

"Guess you'll have to continue ogling Wesley later," Nick laughs. "See ya, short stack!" he pats roughly on Emilia's head before taking off toward the gym for his first period class.

With a grimace, Emilia brushes her fingers quickly through the mess Nick made of her hair and trudges to English. She takes her seat at her desk in the middle of the classroom and hardly attempts to mask the grimace that overtakes her face when Valoreigh bumps her as she passes by.

"Sorry," Valoreigh hums as settles into the desk beside her.

"It's fine," Emilia sighs. She's never really had any real issue with Valoreigh or the girls that seem to worship the ground she walks on aside from deeming her overall persona as fairly irritating, but she's never been keen on trying to be friends with her either. There's just been a distance between them; Valoreigh is one type of person, and Emilia is just another.

Apparently not hearing or ignoring Emilia's dismissal, Valoreigh has focused her attention on reapplying that sticky gloss and their teacher launches into a lecture about their last assigned reading of Fahrenheit 451.

Midway through class, a folded note lands on Emilia's desk. Looking up from her notes page, she glances at the boy who passed it to her. He offers a look of 'wasnt me,' before pointing a thumb at Wesley on the other side of him.

Grinning like always, Wesley half waves before gesturing for her to read the note.

Confused, Emilia sets her pencil aside and begins to unfold the note. Why would Wesley write her a note? The first fold reveals a neatly scrawled: 'Hey dumbass, mind passing this to Zara?'

A laugh escapes Wesley at whatever grimace crosses Emilia's face.

Stupid idiot. Calling me a dumbass... He's the senior taking a junior English class... With a small huff, Emilia passes the note over to the girl in front of her.

Wesley writing a note for Zara makes much more sense than him writing a note for her. Not that she really cares. She doesn't like Wesley. Why did stupid Nick speak that nonsense into the universe?

"Emilia?" Mrs. Defayo calls from the front of the room.

"Hm? I mean, yes ma'am?" Emilia chirps blankly.

Eyebrow quirked behind her thick framed glasses, Mrs. Defayo questions, "Are you okay? The face you're making is... odd."

A flush spreads up Emilia's neck to her cheeks as her classmates laugh quietly. "It's just my face Mrs. Defayo."

"Ah. Well, if you would please focus on the reading..." Mrs. Defayo directs. She motions for everyone to continue on with whatever discussion they're supposed to be having.

The rest of class goes without further incident. Wesley continues to do some sort of off-task nonsense, and Zara pens several notes back to Wesley that Emilia has to pass whenever Mrs. Defayo isn't paying attention (although, she has the feeling that Mrs. Defayo knows exactly what's occurring and just doesn't care). Then, by the grace of God, the bell rings.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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