Ugh kiss me already

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-Gavin's POV-
It's been a few days since I seen piper and ... to be truthful I miss her. I grab my phone and clicked on her contact and begun typing.

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(Ignore the fact I was doing this at 1:28 am)

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(Ignore the fact I was doing this at 1:28 am)

I check the time on my phone to see that it is only 12:48. Okay long time till I see her but you know that okay. I have plenty of time to get ready and make this the best night of her life. And I mean it. Yea yea I admit, I really like piper. I mean she's everything. She's beautiful, sweet, an amazing friend. I mean i just like everything about her. And yes... I do feel kinda guilty about...feeling this way towards her when she has a... boyfriend. But I can't help it man. I get up and go get ready. I see my brother downstairs. "Hey bro". I say as I walk down the stairs with my phone in my other hand. "What's up". He says as he's scrolling on his phone. Probably on some chick insta. "Non much got this date with piper". I say walking past him. "Wait? You have a date? With piper? Your EX piper? That has a BOYFRIEND? He says looking at me while he sits his phone down next to him on the couch.

"Ye- well no- technically no, but that's what I want to consider it. I say winking as I go to the kitchen to get my a little snack. "Ah I see". He says picking his phone back up. "Well ima catch you later Gavin". He says as he starts walking upstairs. "Eh if you need any help or anything lemme know." He says looking back. "Ight bro, will do". I say as I go sit on the couch and grab the remote. I decide to put some YouTube videos on and take a little nap. I look at my phone to see that it is only 1:34. I decide to set an alarm for 4:30.

~Time skip~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I hurry and turn it off. I sit up on the couch rubbing my eyes. Okay I need to leaving by 5:45 to get piper since her house is half an hour away. I have enough time to get everything planned. I start to think. "YO JACOB?" I yell from downstairs. "YEA WHATS UP?" I begin walking up the stairs to his room. "I need help". "With?" He asks. "So I don't know what I should do for piper, like where I want to take her. I mean like i don't want it to be just one place and then take her home like that's boring, you get what I'm saying? I say while I sit down. "Hmm". He says while thinking. A few moments later he comes up with a brilliant idea.

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