Gavin confesses

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~Gavins POV~

So far it's going good. I fed her a cookie and I could tell that she's kinda weirded out. But later on I gave her my chain she refused but I insisted she kept it. After that it was finally time. Time for me to "confess my feelings for her". We went to her room and I told her we needed to talk. Listen piper I said. I know that we broke up but if I'm being completely honest with you I still have feelings for you. It just hurts me to look back at all the memories and to realize I don't have you no more. To realize I don't have that same feeling anymore. Oh uh Gavin I- I don't know what to say. U know I have a boyfriend and I love him. Yea uh it's fine I rushed out the room. Piper is in the room with Brian and was talking about how she felt bad and was asking did he really think she was gonna leave her boyfriend for me. A few moments later I walked in the room and said " ITS A PRANK!" The look on her face was priceless. I began to laugh.

~Pipers POV~
I don't know how to feel. Gavin just confessed his feelings for me. My heart was pounding I was so nervous. I told Gavin that I was sorry but he knows I have a boyfriend and I love him and I wouldn't break up with him for him. But deep inside... I actually kinda had a little feelings for Gavin. But I just didn't know what to do. Because I also like lev. In fact I love him . Gavin stormed out the room and I felt so bad. I thought that he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. Moments later Gavin came back. And he was like "ITS A PRANK!" I was kinda relieved that it was a prank but at the same time I was kind of sad it was a prank. Because that means Gavin doesn't like me after all. After we was done filming he left. I tried to get my mind off the situation but I couldn't. I FaceTimed Gavin later that night. He answered. Heyy Gavin I said. What's up said Gavin. Nothing much but what are you doing. I just got out the shower. Oh uh do you want me to call you back ? Yeah ima hit you back up when I get changed. The phone hung up. My face turned red . I turned over and screamed in my pillow. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to do something.

~Gavins POV~
I was in the shower when I heard my phone ringing. It was piper. I answered. We talked for about a minute but I told her I was going to call her back when I got changed. I was kind of confused about why piper was calling me. I mean she usually never calls me. I'm usually the one who's calling her. After I got dressed I called her back. Yooo! Hey Gavin. Did u want something I asked? Actually she said I do. I wanted to see if you wanted to go out for dinner? Oh uh sure. But what about your boyfriend? I asked. Oh he wouldn't mind he's busy anyway. Oh ok well sounds good I'll pick you up at 9 I said. Ok great she said. The phone hung up. I went to go talk to my brother. What's up bro I said. What's good. Listen bro I need some help. With what? He asked. Well piper asked me to go to dinner with her an- before I got to finish he interrupted me and said " PIPER?? Your ex piper?? Yes? I said.
But as I was saying I need help. I need you to help me pick something out to wear. Alright he said. We went up to my room and went in my closet. He picked me out this white T-shirt with these black jeans and a black hoodie. You sure this is good enough? I asked. Yea bro you don't have to try that hard she definitely wants you bro. Why do you think that? I asked. Cmon bro she basically just asked you out on a date. But she has a boyfriend. That doesn't mean nothing bro she could be losing feelings for him. And plus you like her right? Uh I don't know bro. Its just confusing. I said. Well ok anyways bro u should be heading that way be Safe.

~Pipers POV~
After I got off the phone with Gavin I got in the shower. When I got out I put on this blue dress with these black heels. I had some silver earrings in and a black purse. A few moments later the doorbell rings. It's Gavin. Hey Gavin! I squealed. Hey piper. I gave him a hug. Come in! I said. Gavin comes in and he takes a seat in the kitchen. Do you want anything to drink? I asked? Nah I'm good we finna go out to dinner anyways. True I laughed. Piper my mom called. Yes mom? Why are you all dressed up she laughed. And why is Gavin here? Oh we are going out to dinner. Oh okay u could've told me but have fun. My mom turned around and went to her room. Well we better be going Gavin said. Yea. We walk outside and we get to his car. Brian is in the backseat. Oh your driving Gavin? I asked. Yep he said. Oh no I joked. We both laughed. He opened the door for me. I got in. I started to blush. You good piper? He asked. Oh uh yea I said nervously. So you never told me where we supposed to be going. Oh yea how about LAVO Ristorante?
Sounds good he said. We arrived at the restaurant. Table for 3 please.

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