The dinner

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~Gavin's POV~

Piper just got me her and Brian a table. We go to our table and I pull out her chair and she sits down. I go sit across from her with Brian. Brian can I talk to you for a moment? I asked. Yea what's up Gavin he said. We get up and walk a few feet away from the Table. Brian do you think you could go sit at another table? I asked. He laughed. Why, ahh you want to be with piper alone eh? N-no it's not like that. Even tho I knew it was like that. It's jus- nah bro you ain't gotta explain I got you, he winked. Brian goes and get another table and I go back to the table with piper. Hey piper my bad. No your fine, but why did Brian leave? She asked. Oh uh I don't know I lied. She laughed. You know, your not that good at whispering. Uh what do you mean? I asked. So you want to be alone with me huh she smirked. Before I could respond her phone rang. Hold on Gavin I have to take this. And with that she walked away and went into the bathroom.

~Piper's POV~

We sit at the table and Gavin pulled the chair out for me. I blushed. We all sat down when all of a sudden Gavin ask Brian if he can talk to him for a second. Gavin tried to whisper but I heard him. He was asking Brian to get another table because I guess he wanted to be alone with me. It made me feel good. Because what if he actually have feelings for me after all. Gavin came back to the table. I asked him why Brian left just to see what he was going to say but said he doesn't know. And that's when I told him that I had heard what he had said. Before he could say anything my phone rang. It was lev! Oh no I thought. I went to the bathroom to pick up the call. Heyy babe! I said. Hey baby. What are you doing? He asked. Oh no. Should I lie or tell the truth? I thought. I decided to tell the truth. Oh nothing much just at this restaurant with Gavin. With Gavin? He asked. Yea that's not a problem is it? Nope. Not at all have fun. Ok thanks bae love you. Love you too. And with that he hung up. I felt bad. I walked back to the table. Hey my bad Gavin. It's fine he said. But what were you saying Gavin? Oh nothing. A few moments later the waiter came. Hey sorry for the wait, what drinks do you guys want? I'll just take a water I said. What about you Gavin ? Oh I'll take a coke. Ok one water and one coke she says while jotting it down in her notebook. What else can I get for y'all?
Oh um I say while looking at the menu. I guess I'll take the Caesar salad. I'll take the same. But can I get an order of cheese sticks with that? Gavin says. Sure thing coming right up.

~Gavin's POV~

After we order me and piper starts talking a little. I could tell that  she's getting cold. Her body is shivering. And she has goose bumps. Are you cold? I asked. Yea I am she laughed. I took off my hoodie and gave it to her. Aww you didn't have to do that. Thank you so much she said. Nah it's no problem. G-Gavin? She said. Hm? Can I tell u something? Yea what's up I said. I was getting kinda nervous. I didn't know what she was going to say. Is it something good? Or is it going to be something bad? A-actually never mind she says. Are you sure? I asked yea I'm sure. Sooo do you have any new video ideas? She asked. Actually yeah i got a few. About an hour passes by. Hey can we get the check I ask the waitress? Sure thing. How was ur meal the waitress asked. It was really good. Brian came over to pay. We got up from our table and began to leave I felt something touching my hand. It was piper. She was trying to hold my hand. That was awkward. She never did that before I don't know what has gotten into her. Especially since she had a boyfriend. But I couldn't help it. I had held her hand back and we got to the car. I opened the door for her and then I got in.

~Piper's POV~
In the restaurant I got cold. And Gavin gave me his hoodie. It felt so nice and warm. I could smell his cologne lingering on the hoodie. My face begin to turn red I tilt my head down hoping Gavin wouldn't see. After the food was payed for we walked out. Me and Gavin we're walking prettyyy close. I don't know what had gotten into me but I had grabbed his hand. And  to my surprise he held my hand back. I began to blush. He opened the door for me and we got in the car. As we arrived at my place he drove in the drive way and all of a sudden POP! Gavin rushed out the car and was examining his car to see what that loud noise was and then he saw he had a flat tire. He got back in the car and looked mad. Brian I got a flat. You did? He says. Yeah bro. Gavin and Brian both got out the car. They were talking about the flat. When they both got on the ground and saw it was a sharp object right where the flat tire was. They got in the car and turned to me . Yep it's a flat. And they showed me the object that had caused it. Oh Gavin I am so sorry. I don't know how that got there. It's alright Gavin said but I could tell he was still kind of upset about it. I could go and see if my mom has an extra tire if you'd like? I asked. Yea that was be wonderful he said. I go in the house to find my mom in her room. She was half asleep. Hey mom I said. H-huh piper? She asked. Do you have a extra tire when Gavin drove me home his tire got popped. No honey I don't have one. I go back outside to tell Gavin the news. Gavin I'm so sorry my mom said she dose t have an extra one. Frick Gavin says. Brian what are we going to do ? Gavin asked Brian. Well I jump in. You could always stay here for a night until we could get you an extra tire? Really? he says. U huh. Well if that's fine with you and Brian. Gavin looks at Brian. Yeah it's fine Brian says. We go in the house and I tell Gavin he could stay in our spare room. Thanks piper Gavin says.

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