Meeting Goddesses

Start from the beginning

"Who are you? What are you? What do you want with me? Why did you call me here?" I asked rapidly. She took a moment to gather her thoughts. "I am Amphitrite. I am the goddess of the seas, a queen of Atlantis, and your step mother, or rather, I was your step mother. I merely wished to see how you are doing, it's been quite some time since we spoke. You seem to be in better spirit since our last talk. I see you've bonded to a dragon. How is that working out for you?" She said after a few moments of consideration.

That alone gave me many more questions, of which I asked her about.

"My lady, do you know how I came to be here? Why I was brought here? Do you know of my past? Why I can't remember much of anything? You mentioned the name Poseidon, but who or what is that? What is Atlantis? Where is Atlantis?" I had many questions.

She laughed and then answered my questions, "Well, nice to see some things didn't change much, well, at least from one of your past lives. Very well then, I will answer as much as I can. You were sent here, for a few different reasons. To heal from the wars and battles you were in, and from the deaths you saw and caused. Your father, Poseidon, was the Greek and Olympian god of storms, earthquakes, floods, droughts, horses, hurricanes, destruction, and seas. He was king of Atlantis, his kingdom under the seas. I remember all of your past lives. You have lived many times, my son. You were an emperor, you fought in a massive war, known as the great war. The war was a bloody battle, consisting of the Egyptian, Norse, Greeco-Roman, Aztec, Mayan, Incan, Shinto, and Christian Pantheons. After that battle, you had called a ceasefire, and along with the leaders of those armies, fellow demigods like yourself, demigods are half human and half god, by the way, you and they signed the peace treaties. Calling an end to the war. Of course, by that point in time, you were already partially immortal, only able to be killed in battle." I was overcome by many memories, of faces and pain, locations and powers.

"What was my life like, before the battle though? What was it like after that battle? You said I lived more than one life. What did you mean by that?" I was hungry, desperate for the knowledge of who I was, what I was. The missing memories felt like a huge hole in who I was now, as if I was a stranger in my own body.

"Well, you had lived for thousands, upon thousands of years. You died a few times, but you were always reborn. After having the immortality forced upon you like it was, you were quite angry at the gods. You had fallen in love with some mortal women and wanted to join them in the underworld after you died. However you didn't know they too had been reincarnated. You fell in love with some goddesses as well. I am not sure what happened between you and them, though. Maybe you will remember eventually. As for how your life went before the war, well there are many things about you I cannot tell you, as the Fates' themselves forbid it. Now, before my presence here at the surface fades completely, come to the bottom of the ocean, my son, and see our kingdom." I watched her I guess, temporary, body dissolve into little water bubbles. With nothing else to say or hear, I sent a thought to Belladonna, 'Are you coming?'

She sent me a thought back, 'Can you make a bubble around me so that I can breathe?' Not even needing to think about it, purely instinctual, I knew I could. 'Yes, I can. So come on.'

She quickly surged into the water, I grabbed onto her neck, and we dove deeper into the water, I quickly thought of the water around her forming and shaping into a large bubble, filling it with enough air for her to safely breathe, I guess I didn't need it. Apparently being the son of some several thousand year old, barnacle encrusted sea god enabled me to go to the bottom of the ocean floor, and granted me perfect vision. We sank and swam down, and down, going lower to the floor. Having spent what felt like hours sinking, we came upon a huge, blue castle. All around it, was littered with many different kinds of sea plants, and sea creatures such as dolphins, sharks, mermaid creatures, seahorses, and even some rainbow sea fish that were also horses. Upon walking up to the castle doors, the two guards saluted and then parted, saying, "Welcome back, your highness."

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