I don't know how to swim.

17 1 3

uh ohhh being a king isn't as easy as he thought

(The day after Tsukasa becomes crowned)

I awaken. And I am not prince, I am King. No longer 'destined to be King' now King. Ruler of an entire Kingdom. The fate of my people lies in the palm of my hand. And it's fine.

Yes. Everything will be fine. I've prepared my entire life for this day. For this lifestyle.

Me still being here today means I'm committed. I have to love like this until I die.

First step is to find someone to wed, then I can create offspring destined to have the same fate as me. Then I can ensure the kingdom thrives until the end of time. It is my duty to do so.

And so I get up. I get dressed. And I go to have breakfast.

When I arrive in the dining room there are no parents to make sure I have a smile on my face. I have no one to care even if it's fake. It's my responsibility now. It is my time.

I sit at the head of the table, no longer on the side of my father. I've taken his place. I am the king. This is fine.

The chef presents his dish to me. I take a bite. Then another. Even with no one in this awfully empty room I make sure I keep my manners. Using the right utensils, not putting my elbows on the table. Maintaining the educate of a King.

Who cares though?

There's no one here. It's so overwhelming that there's just nothing. There was very little before so it shouldn't be that different but it is. I miss Saki and although they did very little I miss my parents. I miss my fathers cold fake smile and I miss my mother. I can't take this.

But I will. It is what I am destined to do. Even if this feels like too much who cares? My father did this. And his father before him. There's a very very long line of my family who has managed to do this. It can't be that hard.

I can do this.



did ya miss me~ I've been gone a loooong time i mean from posting that is, i've been doing tons of announcements and such but i haven't written at least on here in a long time so i hope u guys enjoy even tho this chapter and the next ones are short. There are two chapters after this and one's about this long the others like super short but they're fully written and i'll probably post them a few days or maybe a week apart so yeah byeeeee

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