Smile :)

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Hello again to the people who read this before, I changed the beginning teaser I guess a bit to what I want the story to be like now. It hasn't changed much but I think the changes made were needed. I still won't start posting actual chapters until I get a few done and once I do I'll post weekly (stanmafuyuasahina actually having a post schedule real?!?!) anyways that's all for now toodles

You're a great king and leader. You have to be. Everyone looks up to you. You need to be perfect. You've heard what happens to bad kings right? Yes. That will happen to you. You can't escape your duties. Just as you can't escape your fate. You're destined for failure and after that how could anyone ever trust you again? Your friends, your family, everyone. Even those who you admired and looked up to so much. The people you loved. Well you have to go now. You have responsibilities. Tasks to do. You can't fail them. For if you do... everyone. Everyone. Would hate you. They would leave you. They may even hate you to the point of execution. Wouldn't that be exiting? You. Going in the center of town. Hanging from a rope. For everyone to see. Everyone would see how you failed. How you failed as their king to make everyone happy. You don't want that do you? Though, it seems recently you've considered it. You've considered giving up. In a way isn't that even more pathetic than failing? Giving up. Not even trying in the first place. Like scum. You pathetic scum. Go to your duties. For if you don't, who knows what would happen.

Put on a Smile, my KingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora