I look down and Sebastian has tightened his grip on his hand, I can see jealously in his eyes, its kind of hot to see actually.

"Careful Garreth, you're not out of the woods yet" Sebastian smirks but his tone left enough to the imagination not to push him.

"If you two have had enough of who's dick is bigger I'd like to eat now, If you don't mind" Ominis sighs.

"Come on, let's go eat" I smile as I link arms with Ominis and we all head for the great hall, Sebastian and Garreth laughing over their last few encounters all because of me.. I feel kind of guilty.


Before we arrived at the great hall, Garreth made a good point that perhaps Sebastian and I shouldn't make our new romance known so soon. Seeing as Ella was still seething with how Sebastian ended it, it could look like I broke them up. Which in a way I did but... not like that.

We decided Garreth gets to play the sad dumped boy to get sympathy from other girls in his year, Ella can move on in peace and me and Sebastian just have to keep it on the down low for now. Can't be too hard..right?.

"How is it knowing I can't have you right now makes me want it more" Sebastians words whisper into my ear as he leans into me, I feel tingles down my spine and I bite my lip slightly.

"Sallow.. behave" I kick him under the table and focus on my breakfast.

"Room for one more?" A cheerful voice questions, Poppy Sweeting.

"Always room for you, my darling" Ominis beams and I can see a hint of blushing on his cheeks.

Poppy sits next to him and starts to fill her plate with fruit, telling us about how excited she is to go see Highwing again. With all the poachers around we've been seeing her less and less...perhaps I should show Poppy the room of requirement, if Highwing will let me I could bring her to the habitat I have that could be perfect for her. She'd be safe from poachers, meaning Poppy could see her whenever she'd like.

Ominis is tucking onto some strawberry jam on toast, he has some jam on his cheek but before I can point it out Poppys hand has reached across, gently wiping it away. Ominis's cheeks now the same color as the jam.

"Oh.. thank you Poppy" he thanks her, God these two are so cute. I hope she feels the same way he does.

"I'm going to visit Anne later with Ominis.. would you like to join us?" Sebastians eyes on me. He has a neutral expression but I can see a hint of anxiousness in his eyes.

Sebastian has mentioned Anne plenty of times, mostly telling me stories of her here at Hogwarts. I know she's unwell at the moment and lives in Feldcroft with their Uncle Solomon but Sebastian hasn't told me much of her illness or how serious it is. Ominis told me it's a touchy subject so I haven't pressed the issue further.

"I'd love too" I smile at him, his face softening, he gives me a small nod but I can tell he's fighting the urge not to kiss me right now. God I wish we could.

"So, you broke up with Garreth then?" Imeldas voice makes me jump appearing behind me.

"Uh yes...why?" I ask her, confused as to why she seems bothered.

"Well if you broke up with him, it wasn't weasley you were daydreaming like a love struck puppy about this morning when I was asking you about training" Imelda continues, she gives me a long speech about her broom trails she wants me todo and that she hopes this time I'm listening. God she makes it hard to like her sometimes.

"Regardless you're distracted by someone, you better sort it our before the trails" Imelda huffs and walks off towards the end of the hall.

"Hmm sounds like he's dreamy to have you so distracted, I wonder who it is" Sebastian has the biggest smirk on his face, I stick my tongue out at him and tuck back into my breakfast.

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