"Aw you love me" I said to him as I laid my hands on his face,he smirked at me.

"Of course I love you" he said before kissing my lips multiple times,


It's my birthday! I'm 17 now and I honestly feel the same,I'm the age I always wanted to be.It's Friday which means we still have school,

I got up and did my usual hygiene,skin care all types of routines.I'm trying my best to be consistent with it and I've been doing a pretty darn job with it,I got dressed a little bit different from how I usual dress at school.

I did my makeup and sprayed my go-to perfume,I heard my door creak open.I look over to see my mom who had a big smile on her face,she gasped seeing my outfit

"Hija you look so beautiful! Happy birthday mi niña bella" she said hugging me and kissing my forehead couple times,

"Thank you ma,I thought I should go to school a little bit different" I told her while putting a hand on my hip sorta posing for her as she giggled.

"I love it,you can rock anything just like me..you really are my twin,ugh I don't want you growing up anymore" she said with a frown,

"Aw ma please don't get sad on me" I said opening my arms for her,I hugged her tightly to comfort her.I'm her only child and I'm getting older on her,

"It feels like yesterday I was leaving the hospital with you in my arms,I'm so sorry that you couldn't grow up with a father figure mija-

"Mama please don't think that,it's my birthday be happy with me..you played both roles for me so well and I'm a strong woman because of you and I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me"

she nodded as tears formed in her eyes trying her best not to cry.she took a deep breath to stop herself and it worked,the tears faded as I smiled at her.

We heard a honk outside meaning miguel was here,I grabbed my bag and kissed my mom on the cheek before leaving,miguel was leaning against the passenger door.

He smirked before looking me up and down at my outfit,I walk towards him as he stood up straight. "Hey there's my birthday girl" he said before placing his index finger on my chin to lift up my head to look up at him more.

He kissed my lips couple of times to be more affectionate, "hey babe" I greeted him

"I like this outfit" he said,I smiled

"Thanks I wanted to sorta dress up for my day"

"That was a good idea,come on" he said opening the passenger door,I climbed in.

We started driving to school,Miguel was holding my hand while driving telling me how good I looked and how he's excited to give me his gifts.


we got to school,I've had some people greet me saying happy birthday already.I went to homeroom meeting with Tristan, "oh my god it's the birthday girl,are you ready for tonight?" He asked me

I nodded, "yeah then the rest of the weekend I'm with mikey" I told him

"Oh I know,he already told us so we don't ruin the plans" we laughed


it was now 3rd period,the class I have with Miguel and destiny.I hope I don't have to beat ass on my birthday cause miguel wouldn't be happy at all cause he's trying his best to make sure this is a good year for me.

I walked in seeing him already in his seat,destiny had her head down.I sat in my seat which was still nexts to Miguel,he put his hand on my thigh as I got the chills cause of his warm soft touch.

•My best friend• (Miguel cazarez mora book)Where stories live. Discover now