After awhile of thinking and internal battles Jungwon only nodded his head, taking that as a sign Jay pulled Jungwon to his car as they drove according to where Jungwon was instructed to.

Jay is worried, and at the same time a bit upset that the plan he had wanted to go perfect is no longer perfect. He couldn't bring himself to ask the latter as they were both silent the whole ride, a complete opposite of how they were when they were on the way to the said location earlier to watch a film.

As soon as they both reached the parking lot, Jungwon rushed out not even waiting for Jay to open the door as he dashes out without a care. Reaching the lobby of the hospital as he asked receptionist nurse to where room 226 is located. Upon instructed Jungwon runs there, not giving Jay a time to catch-up. "Jungwon!" Jay yelled. Sighing as he lost sight of the younger.

When Jungwon reached the room he bursted through the door. Only to be welcomed by Jungwoo sitting beside Sungchan who is looking totally fine except for having a bandage on his arm. "Sungchan hyung?"

With that, Jungwoo left the two. "I-I thought... I mean, uhm.. How are you hyung? I thought something grave happened" Jungwon said between his breaths as he tries to catch his breath.

"I'm fine, just a little incident at the shop, A biker just almost rans onto me making me spill hot coffee on my arm. It's just a first degree burn." Sungchan said.

"You're fine?" Was all jungwon could asked. Sungchan nodded flashing a smile at the younger. "But jungwoo hyung..." Jungwon started as he pointed at the direction Jungwoo went out.

"Actually... Wonnie, I instructed Jungwoo to do that..." Sungchan said, confusing the latter. Why? Was all Jungwon could think off at that time.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, won" he added.

"Hyung- But I was worried---" Jungwon was caught off when Sungchan spoke once more not letting the younger speak.

"I like you Jungwon, ever since then.'"

Jungwon only blinked "I really do. I've been meaning to ask you this but, I can't seem to find the right timing since that angry bird is always around you"

"Jay hyung?" with just the mention of that name, Jungwon's insides are going crazy.

"Will you date me?" Sungchan finally said, glancing straight into Jungwon's eyes. Finally getting up from his laying position on the bed as he walks to the latter as he tries to hold Jungwon's hand, to which Jungwon pulled his hand back.

"Hyung--" Jungwon's breathing is unsteady, as he was surprised. To think that he thinks nothing more could surprise him.

"I can't. I... I only see hyung as my friend" the brunette uttered lowering his head, afraid to see the dejected look on Sungchan's eyes.

Silence. Awkward Silence.

"Is there someone?" Sungchan asked breaking the minute long silence piercing through Jungwon's ears.

"Perhaps, Is there someone you like?"

As soon as he was asked that, Jungwon could only shake his head unaware of the possible answer to that question. "I... uh... I don't know, I cannot answer that now.."

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