Poem 19- He

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Soft hands
calm voice
he gently handles my heart
he knows it's fragile
he does not wear cologne but his natural scent lingers
I don't mind for it has become  my favorite smell
he comforts me when I feel hopeless
gently whispering to me
he knows I'm fragile
so he handles me with care
his smile lights up my world
every time I see it it takes my breath away he has clouded my Daydreams
I don't understand why he's chosen me
he has told me when I've asked
but it still puzzles me
I love him and he loves me
but I don't deserve him
I don't understand why he wants me
but I have no complaints
for I cannot imagine myself
not looking into those hazel eyes every morning
or not seeing his smile or not hearing his voice
His name is R
The name I love

-By. N

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