After what felt like minutes but was most likely seconds Kyle broke eye contact, feeling nervous at how Stan just made him feel a certain way, trying to avoid those thoughts Kyle left hurriedly before anything could be said.

" GAHh Craig, look at this"

Tweek pointed

Craig faced the direction Tweek was pointing in looking for what he was supposed to be focused on, not taking long to find what he was looking for he watched Stan and Kyles minor interaction carefully.

"those idiots are so gay for each other, Jesus even I can feel the tension from here"

craig chuckled wrapping his arm around Tweek " I'll drive you to work ok?" Tweek smiled as they walked of utterly in love with each other.

Kenneth: hey dude I'm down text me when you're gonna pick me up!

Kenny replied to stans text from earlier on.

Stan read the text as he walked inside, Stan smiled as he realised his mum was at work meaning he can sneak in a few more sips of whiskey.

After an hour of stan cleaning himself up and also sipping from his bottle, he was finally ready, putting on his hat he's had since he was a kid, he finally felt complete.

Alright let's go stan thought, he carefully locked the door and sat in the car, this wasn't the first time Stan had driven while slightly under the influence, he knew he was sober enough to drive and would never go behind the wheel if he was shitfaced.

He would never risk people's safety like that, he may of hated his life and not wanted to live but others did and Stan was not going to take that away from them just because of his shitty addiction.

Before leaving Stan remembered he needed to text Kenny.

Kenneth: hey dude I'll be there in 5

Finally pulling up to Kenny's, Stan pulled out his phone to pass the time while waiting, stan could hear the usual drunken screaming.

stans heart ached for Kenny and his siblings his parents were shitfaced addicts and drunks.

stan hoped he'd never turn out like them and If he did he vowed he'd never have kids due to this, he couldn't put them through that.

A knock on the window startled stan thankfully it was just Kenny, who was covering his face even more than usual with his bright orange puffer coat.

"Hey dude, who are you trying to hide from" stan chuckled.

Kenny softly laughed " let's go" quickly changing the subject,

this was a bit unusual for Kenny, stan couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

"Dude what's up? You seem off?"

Kenny turned towards Stan, before he could answer, something caught stans eye. A dark ruby liquid dripped slowly down Kenny's forehead.

Stans mouth slowly opened his eyes stuck on Kenny's forehead "Kenny you're bleeding" Stan said still staring at his head.

Kenny stared at his self in the mirror slowly taking of his hood, revealing a large bloody gash staining his blonde hair a crimson red.

"My dad.he's drunk again."

Kenny said quietly eyes focused on the road.

"Kenny.. I'm sorry" Stan said comforting Kenny

Stan was sorry for how Kenny had to deal with his drunken idiot parents but his sorry was deeper than that he was also sorry for the shit he had put Kenny through with his drunken antics and so much more, kenny really deserved better.

"You know what dude it's fine fuck the old man, I look kinda badass with the blood." Kenny said checking himself out in the car mirror

"you're such an idiot" Stan laughed but also feeling admiration towards Kenny for how well he deals with things.

If this was Stan he would've already downed a whole bottle of whiskey by now.

"Alright let's go" Stan said before grabbing the wheel and driving of.

The smell of freshly baked bread and cookies filled the air as well as a pungent smell of coffee.

Kenny and Kyle sat down in the usual spot.

Tweek who spotted the boys made his way over "hey guys gehh "

"hey tweek" they said both greeting him with large cheesy smiles.

"So what can can I get you guys gah" Tweek twitched

"well for me I'll just have a caramel latte" Stan said

Kenny laughed " dude thats kinda gay" he winked

"what it tastes good dick" Stan said hastily.

They all laughed Kenny quickly interrupting "I'll have a water please oh also Tweek is there any chance you have bandages I hit my head pretty bad on the way here and I'm pretty sure it's bleeding"

"o-oh yeah sure come with me gahh and I'll get you some" Tweek replied sounding slightly concerned

"I'll be back dude, Kenny said as he got up to follow Tweek.

Stan smiled feeling sad kenny had to lie to his friends about his injuries that were caused by his fucking addict dad.

To get his mind of things Stan decided to play on his phone, the doors bell rang a cold breeze hit the back of stans neck.

Stan took his eyes of his phone to look up at the new customer that just walked in.

Fuck.. again? Stan thought as he made eye contact with Kyle yet again.

"Dude I swear he's following me" Stan muttered

"don't flatter yourself Stanley,I'm here to do work" Kyle replied quickly.

shit did I say that out loud Stan thought, wait what the hell does he mean don't flatter yourself Stanley, god what an asshole Stan thought.

Kenny slid into his chair his hands on his chin "what was that" he smiled

"Kyle being an asshole nothing new" stan moaned

"a hot asshole" kyles voice came from across the room with a hint of cockiness in his tone.

Jesus how can he hear everything I say Stan thought

"Get a room" Kenny yelled filling the small cafe with nothing but silence from everyone.

Stan facepalmed the table with embarrassment and annoyance from Kenny and Kyle.

After moments of silence the cafe filled back up with noise again Kenny and Stan continued their conversations.

Meanwhile Kyle worked on his new assignments trying to keep his mind of Stan.

Style (stan x kyle) dude you're not a failure..Where stories live. Discover now