Chapter 7: The White Wizard.

Start from the beginning

Sansa gasped. "Saruman." 

"Good. We need to have a chat with him." Jon declared.

The Hound readied his sword out.

"Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us." Aragorn advised as he started to slowly draw out his sword. Same with Sansa, and Jon. Gimli gripped his axe and Legolas loaded his bow with an arrow.

"Strike fast. We've got to be quick about this." Jon whispered to Sansa.

"Got it." Sansa nodded her head. 

This was it. She was about to confront the man who tried to depose of Gandalf and sent the Uruk Hai after her and take her friends captive.

They quickly turned around and were greeted by a brilliant white light. 

Gimli threw his axe, which was deflected. Legolas fired an arrow. That was also deflected. And as for Jon, Sansa, Aragorn, and the Hound. Their swords turned red hot and were glowing that they had to drop their weapons to the ground.

The Figure was indeed wearing white robes. But no face could be made out. 

"You!" Jon yelled. "What have you done with our sister and her friends?!" He demanded. 

"You are tracking the footsteps of two young Hobbits and one young Girl." The figure said. 

"That's right. We are." Jon answered. 

"Where are they?" Aragorn asked. 

"They passed this way, the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect." The Figure answered. "Does that comfort you?"

"Not particularly." Sansa replied. 

"Who are you?" Aragorn asked.

The Figure did not answer. "Show yourself!" Jon ordered.

The light died down. And from the light emerged a face very familiar. All dressed in white robes with white straight hair and a white beard with a white staff. 

Sansa's eyes widened. "Is that-?"

"My Eyes must be playing tricks on me." The Hound commented in disbelief.

"It can't be." Jon said.

But it was. It was Gandalf. Alive and well. 

"It cannot be." Aragorn also said. 

Gimli and Legolas were star struck.

"Gandalf!" Sansa yelled in excitement running up to the Wizard and hugging.

Gandalf returned the hug with his own. "Hello, Sansa." He greeted.

"Forgive me." Legolas begged as he and Gimli kneeled down. "I mistook you for Saruman." 

"I am Saruman." Gandalf said. 

Jon looked confused. "Or rather, Saruman as he should have been." Gandalf clarified. 

"This isn't right." Jon shook his head. "You... we saw you in the Bridge. You fell. The Balrog grabbed you. We all saw it." 

"He could be just an illusion." The Hound suggested.

"He isn't." Sansa said clearly knowing that he was not an illusion. "He's the real deal."

"Jon is right." Aragorn agreed still in disbelief. "You fell." 

"Okay. There had better be an amazing explanation for this." Sansa said.

Gandalf looked back at Aragorn. "Through fire.... and water." He said. "From the lowest dungeon to the Highest Peak, I fought with the Balrog of Morgoth. My sword, Glamdring with a flash of lightning. And I plunged it right into the Balrog. Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside." He then paused for a second. "Darkness took me. And I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every day was as long as a life age of the Earth. But it was not the end. I felt life in me again." 

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