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IT was a sweet April morning, and the skies were a clear blue. The sun shone brightly, and the sky was bright and blue and azure.

In the Village Hidden in the Leaves in the Land of Fire, an academy stood in the middle of the town. It was a ninja academy, and it was filled with many students who were ready to graduate on that fine morning.

Students sat in random areas of the classroom, many indulged in ecstatic conversations. They were to formally graduate in their classroom and become full fledged ninjas, genin, and they were over the moon. Many sat in groups of three and four, and a few sat alone, waiting for an orientation to begin.

This orientation was to brief them what they would be doing now they had graduated, and most of the adolescents that were in the room were all giddy with excitement. Of course they would be excited, they would finally becoming full fledged ninja and fufil their dream of serving their village as a proud warrior. It was a great accomplishment for anyone, whether teen or adult, and that alone made those who had graduated feel exhilarated. It was an honourable profession, and that alone made the teens feel more exited than they had ever been in their lives.

All of the teens in the classroom had the symbol of their village, the Hidden Leaf symbol on a forehead protector that rested on different parts of their body. Many had opted to place it on their foreheads where it belonged, but the other few had placed the headband on different places, such as limbs or belts.

The doors to the small academy classroom slammed opened, and two girls, one blonde girl and another pink haired girl entered. They shouted the word "goal!" simultaneously, panting. Not many of those in the class looked at them, they were use to their behaviour. One black haired girl who had been playing with her fingers looked up at the girls who had entered and looked back down at her hands soon after.

The black haired girl was sat at the back corned of the classroom next to a boy with spiky hair. Her thin hair was scattered over the back of her neck as she looked down at her hands, playing with a bracelet. The boy next to her had his head in his hands, his eyes shut and was attempting to nap in midst of the eager chatter of his classmates.

In front of her sat an ebony haired boy who bore a cold expression, and a short blonde haired boy, Naruto, who sat a seat away from him. The pink haired girl from before had approached the black haired boy, leaving her argument with the blonde girl from earlier. She charged up to the cold boy, and when Naruto who was sat next to him stood up to try and greet the pinkette she pushed him out of the way.

"Is the seat next to you free, Sasuke-kun?"

The boy, called Sasuke, looked up at the pink haired girl, Sakura, and gave her a dismissing look. The look flew last her. The blonde haired girl, Ino, marched from the classroom door and stood by the seat next Sasuke. "I came in the classroom first, so I should get to sit next to him!"

Another purple haired girl with uneven haircut approached the two arguing girls. "I came here before you guys! Lemme sit next to Sasuke-kun!"

Ino rolled her eyes at her and gave her a light shove backward. "Shut up Ami, no one would want to sit next to you anyway, even if you were the last person on earth."

The three girls had brought on a large amount of attention after asking to sit next to Sasuke, and then it brought along almost every girl in the classroom to debate over it. Many girls stood up from their seats and joined the squabble, shouting over one another.

"I came before you two, so I should get to sit next him!"

"No I did!"

"I did!"!

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