The next morning

55 13 14

(Play the music - I cant believe I have to tell you guys to do this, like seriously-)

The next morning arose with the innocent chirping of fowls and the smell of old pine. Despite the purity of the scene, Winona was lying upon her bed with eyes open and blankly staring into the mahogany abyss above her. She hadn't slept the rest of the night, not since the two men disturbed her, and she assumed it would be so for the rest of her stay.

The napalm sun grazed her skin with it's warm fingers in a comforting way, almost as if to assure her that all would be well. Reluctantly, she arose from the bed and pulled herself up unto what she remembered as the wooden floorboards beneath her, only to take a jump backwards when she felt strange objects lurking around her ankles.

As soon as her eyes caught sight of them, she froze. The bones from the previous night lay amongst the wooden floorboards, strewn in various places. They seemed even less threatening now than what they did in the pastel bright of the moon. Their ivory surfaces were now reflecting the gaze of the sun – garnished in shades of a fiery sky.

Distastefully, she used her foot to sweep them away from her; disgusted by the sight that reminded her of the horrors of nightfall. Stepping past them, her feet caressed gently along the timber beneath her and led her to the entrance of her room. A sudden flash of memory aroused from within her and she could see the distinctively opaque figure at her door again. The sight was enough to send her tumbling backwards, but it only lasted an instant.

Groaning, she pulled her rigid body from the ground and proceeded to tread towards the door once more. Her unsure mind alerted her of what may be just outside, lurking as the predator does to it's prey before leading it to the banks of Sheol. With this in mind she could not help slowly and cautiously poking her head around the door frame.

The hallway was empty and void, and so, so cold. She could already feel the tingles of the painting's gaze on her skin and she could feel the carpet creeping below her as if with one sweep it wished to swallow her whole. Her heart shrivelled within her, desperate to hide; desperate to flee. Her hands shivered as they held unto the doorframe with such strength and desperation that the wood was splintering into her very hands.

It was then that she heard the very faint twinge of the piano echoing throughout the house. It played an all too familiar tune – Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata'. The melancholic chime lingered in the air around her, and despite it's mournful call, Winona could not help but feel comforted. It was as if Beethoven were speaking the words of her mouth through a symphony that reverberated like a choir of angels in the mansion.

Her feet hastened their steps toward the staircase, not once noticing the smirks upon the faces of the paintings. Her feet danced to the tune and her mind was hypnotised by the sound. The pitter patter of her footsteps played in melody with each key as they trotted down the staircase. With each rise and fall of the chords her body grew closer to the sound.

Her mind grew distant from reality as her body inched closer to the doorway of the dining until she stood in the presence of the instrument, utterly astonished by all that happened. The piano had abruptly ceased at her arrival, and each eye in the room caught hers, even the cold, steel eyes of the pianist.

She opened her lips to utter at least a sound but none would exit. Her tongue could not find it's place in her mouth and her jaw could not seem to unglue itself from its position low beside her neck. She had not a word to say nor anything to ponder. She could only stare blankly as they all did.

That was until Seokjin's voice erupted from the silence.

"Liebling!" He greeted animatedly, cheering with his palms clapping against themselves. "It is so good that you have finally awoken!" He pulled himself from the red velvet cushioning of his chair and strode to her side. Grasping her frail hands between his he announced, "I have many great outings planned for us today!"

Winona felt her eyes stray from his hands and slowly saunter to that of the pianist. His gaze was unblinking as it latched to hers, and the disappointment beneath the earthy brown of his irises portrayed his every emotion towards her. While Winona did not like confrontation, nor did she amuse herself in the company of those who hated her presence, there was something about this pianist that her mind and soul were aching to find.

There was something in his presence that comforted her as a father's embrace and she could not, for one moment understand it. Perhaps it was the events of the night, creeping into her feelings and causing her to imagine consolation from those who were not willing to give it? Perhaps she was so frightened she was determined to seize the only smidgen of hope she had?

Upon noticing the exchange of glances between the two, Seokjin's plump lips pulled themselves into a sadistic grin. "Liebling, do you wish to forsake me and accompany yourself with the likes of our Klavierspieler? (Pianist?)"

Seokjin's tone told of a threat, a warning. His eyes only seemed to convey the same sentiment; glaring into her quivering ones. As if the pianist were ignoring the happenings, he resumed his playing, only this time with a more intriguing sound as if he were performing for a play.

Winona was heartily frustrated by the two men – in fact, just about the whole house had played it's games on her emotions and she would hold them under the assaults no longer. With shoulders straightened, she glowered into the eyes of the taller man. As if a miracle had occurred, the whole façade had caused Seokjin to trip back on his own intimidation.

"Jeon Jungkook."

Seokjin's dark eyebrows knit themselves into a bunch at the mention of the boy's name from her mouth. "What about him?"

She looked past the man and into the face of the younger boy whose eyes screamed for mercy. Mercy was not something she was willing to offer, however.

"Jeon Jungkook crept into my room in the darkness of the night and left carcasses all upon my bed-" She stated confidently, "Then the bloody bastard swung from the noose on my roof, attempting to scare me with his presence!"

Seokjin's eyes grew large at her words but he made no attempt to speak. Winona took this as an opportunity to further her story and continued with a finger in the pianist's direction, "He saved me from the likes of the blasted child!"

The eyes that had once covered her features as vultures to a carcass had now set their sights upon the pianist. His fingers stopped upon the ivory of the keys and his eyes instantly drew themselves to hers.

Something in his gaze caused Winona to feel as if she had made the greatest mistake. 


It was pretty shitty today, soz heaps. 

I have an issue where I need to go back and finish writing my older books - I ruined a mafia fanfiction, Stay at home and Joon's - but I keep coming back to write the newer ones. It's kinda sad because the older ones are very close to me, like they've almost been around for a whole year and I worked so hard on them before I even had 10 followers- 

Planning on putting some newer books on hold once I finish "Roller Hate". Ones excepted will be: My deranged marriage, Circus of Coulrophobia, and Dr Kim and Mr Jeon. Ya'll seem to love them so I will keep updating them. 

Some books I'm actually thinking of totally redoing but yeah those are in the making ig. 

Also, random note. Was I the only one who when first introduced to BTS thought Tae was half Spanish? And by Spanish I mean I thought he was partially Colombian or smth 💀💀💀 This was like 90% of the reason I chose him as my bias originally- 

k bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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