Chapter 4

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At Tokyo, Special Economic Jurisdiction of Japan, Union

Blending in among the crowd of Tokyo is not difficult for the Gunpla Mafia enforcer after entering the capital city of Tokyo and passing himself off as a tourist visiting their Union-aligned country. He used a small underwater craft from the Dark Veil as his means of transportation. Thanks to Quasi-Veda providing him a false identity of "Floyd Malloy" and filling up his account with the big amount of money from the schmuck millionaires that it had hacked into, enough that would make him a fairly rich man.

But not too much as the taxmen who runs the numbers will discover something is off with the missing money leading to the hacker behind it and it might tip off Celestial Being's Agents especially Wang Liu Mei into finding him out and corner him. I made sure that Varia won't tap into her riches specifically. Considering Wang Liu Mei was able to find out Team Trinity's base within short notice, I am not taking any chances with that opportunistic snake of a woman discover my whereabouts and infiltrate the Dark Veil or even run into me here., Chronicle thought as he crossed the street with green light amongst the civilians of Japan.

Heeding the wise words from an underground Gunpla fighter dressed in a stereotypical wizard attire who was a disgraced accountant and styled himself as the so-called "Great And Mighty Kevin" whom he encountered as part of the Gunpla Mafia's dirty work: "Everything must add up or you will be subtracted from the equation!"

Upon entering the supermarket, the first thing he did is to get himself some good clothes as he makes his way inside. I can't go around wearing my pilot suit hidden by my heavy trench coat I borrowed from one of the Mobile Dolls of the Dark Veil. I stand out too much., the ex-Gunpla Mafia enforcer thought as he entered the clothing store within sights.

As part of his new civilian attire that he bought for himself and fitting to his exact measurements, Chronicle wears a light green three-piece suit with a red tie, and kept his pilot suit hidden within just in case. He also wears a white fedora with a red ribbon and a lapel pin on his left lapel, in the shape of a dagger with the symbol of MASK. He also bought several pairs of casual clothing such as plain white T-shirt and undershirts, long black shorts and pants, shoes and slippers, and underwear. It turns out that not only he had no food and supplies within the Dark Veil, he has no other clothes aside from his pilot suit when he first arrived to the Anno Domini world via Plavsky Particles.

Inspecting himself in front of the clothing store's mirror, Chronicle had to admit that he looked rather professional and somewhat respectable. Although not as respectable when I was an enforcer for the Gunpla Mafia. So much blood and misery by my hands..., he thought as he remembered what he had done to the victimized Gunpla players who had a nasty run-in with him under the Gunpla Mafia's orders.

But now here, he can make a difference and change the world alongside Celestial Being. After he made sure that they won't try kill or capture him first of course with the planned meeting between them eventually.

After paying for his acquired clothing with the wallet from his account's money, Chronicle left the clothing store with his four shopping bags on a large shopping trolley and head off to the grocery and supplies store within the supermarket. There, he purchased for his food and supplies as much as he wants to fill up Dark Veil's empty kitchen to last 2 weeks before he will go for rinse and repeat; fruits and vegetables, water cups and gallons, cooking oil and utensils, bathing and cleaning items, fresh fish and meat, and cheese and bread, etc.

Finishing his goal, the pilot of Cornix Furia left the grocery and supplies store with his 4 big boxed packages of purchased items and a long receipt. Although his stomach growled with clear and aching hunger, Chronicle decided that he should stay awhile longer and buy out lunch for himself. Being allowed to use one of the supermarket's large shopping trolley carts within its premises, he brought along his groceries and shopping items to the supermarket's canteen and secured himself a table.

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