Chapter 2: Dinner

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A Wednesday in September

After a night of confusion and a dream about me flying, I'm sitting in the kitchen counter watching my mom eat cereal as fast as she can. She has 12 hour shift today.

She finally finishes and wipes her mouth with her arm. She turns to me and signals me to go to school already.

But in reality, I'm trying to be late. I don't want to run into Jordan. It will be too awkward.

She puts the bowl in the sink and pulls me to my feet. "Go," she says.

Fine lady. I get my backpack from the couch and open the door. Jordan and a tall man are right in front of me.

"Hi," Jordan says.

My mom is suddenly behind me. She probably told the man to come in but he shakes his head no and smiles. I turn my attention to Jordan. She doesn't have Gothic makeup. She does have the weird cat eye thing girls do with red lips. Her hair is in a high bun. Once again she has an all black look: black pants, a short sweater that exposes her belly button and boots. She looks a bit nice today.

She smirks, "What?"

Mom pokes my arm and signals me, "walk now and go to school".

I sigh and nod. I begin to walk out. I see Jordan kiss the man's cheek and follow behind me. We exit the complex and walk to school. Man, I feel weird. What do I say? What does she want? Wait, was that her dad?

Jordan pokes my arm. "Didn't you tell your mom that my dad wanted to pay her?" She asks slowly. She at least understood I can read lips closely.

I shake my head no. I totally forgot.

"And yes, that was my dad, Vince," she says.

We stop at the light. I look at her, "Why do you talk to me?"

She frowns, "You don't like me?"

Before I can answer, the light turns red and we continue walking.

I like her? Well, she isn't a total jerk. She is weird though. She isn't like most girls at school. Yes, there are goths but I haven't seen her around in any group.

Jordan stops in front of me as we arrive to school. She takes out a journal from her bag and writes something down.

"So you don't like me?"

I shrug.

She writes, "So you forgive me for being mean to you?"

I nod.

"So, do you still want to see my boobs?"

What?! Was she serious last night? Is it really her trying to get forgiveness from me?

She rolls her eyes and turns the page. "You boys like boobs right?"

I shrug once again.

"You gay?" She draws a smile and a rainbow besides the question.

I roll my eyes, "No," I say out loud.

Jordan giggles, "Okay. So friends?" she asks.

I nod. Whatever, this girl is weird and I'm not mean like she was in the beginning.

She smiles and writes down something, but then I feel a vibration in my jean pocket. I take out my phone and have an alert: Five minutes late for class.

Darn it! I grab Jordan's arm and run inside the school. I am not ready to get a lecture from my mother.

Thankfully, we make it on time and sit. Mr. Jeff is absent though. A bald man begins to say the attendance list.

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