Bonus Chapter #3: In Kains Apartment

Start from the beginning

"I've known Kain since he was in middle school. And I was in high school. My brother and I joined a gang, I was the main fighter while my Hyung remained the brains of every operation we had. Until we messed with the wrong people" he said, looking at his hands full of scars. "Both Hyung and I knew something was different about us compared to other people who our...advanced physical abilities and intelligence but we never really questioned it much. Until these people told us who we are after sparing us because we were kids" he explained.

"Haha! I took down every one of them anyway. Even though I had no full training nor experience in controlling my power. Even my hyung joined me in my fight. Mind you, although I was the main fighter, my hyung can whoop ass like there's no tomorrow. He was way better at fighting than me but chose to stay behind unless he absolutely needed to jump in" he smirked, remembering it as well. Feeling his body become covered in goosebumps while reliving that moment. Vividly seeing his hyung punch in the other awakened ones faces in and toss them around like rags. Everyone was scared of him and his hyung. That's when he felt powerful, having bled, swung and kicked till exhaustion. "Then, the master ended up coming into the ring. He subdued Hyung and I so easily, I still get goosebumps remembering" even though he spoke of their defeat, Suho was smiling like an idiot. Elise scooted away from him, weirded out and wondering if he was a masochist.

"Ever since that day. He taught me and hyung personally with Kain always watching. Kain always glared at us. Ignored us. And even spat at us. I got so annoyed when he insulted my hyung and our parents that I punched him. Hell if I cared if he was a middle schooler and I was about to graduate, he was nothing but a little shit who needed a beating" he scoffed, cracking his knuckles. Elise continued to scoot away, now definitely weirded out by him.

"But, after a year. His father and our mentor left to go overseas for business. He took my hyung with him and left me to guard his kid. Even though I basically assaulted him" he chuckled. "That man was as crazy as shit but I didn't question him. He saved my life and I wanted to repay it. When he assigned me as Kains personal bodyguard, I begged him to let me take up a different job. But, you know what he told me?" Suho finally looked at Elise, confused as to why she sat so far away compared to a minute ago. He shrugged it off when she shook her head, looking quite curious as to what their boss said. "He told me, 'Protecting my son is like protecting my life. If you wish to repay me, then protect the one thing keeping me alive.'" Elise's mouth parted. Gasping a bit as she remembered Kains words during his breakdown in the bathroom. 'I'm sorry dad...I'm so sorry' his apologies to his father. As if he was apologizing for being alive.

She gulped. Trying not to cry. This father son duo was going to be the death of her.

"So that's why I'm here even if I don't like the little fucker. I'll admit though, he's become a lot more tolerable compared to a year ago" he yawned, smiling when he saw one of the dogs walk into the room happily. "...and he even brought these two sunshine's. So, I can slightly forgive him" he admitted as well, petting Keum and Raon. Baby talking to the two dogs Elise had yet to become comfortable with.

"Well, I just wish for our young master to come home safely. And hopefully, happier" she said, giggling a little as she jumped hearing thunder booming so close, she swore her vision turned all white for a split second. Then a light sprinkle turned into raging rain crashing against the window of Kains bedroom. The clouds looming over the entire city. "That's one hell of a foreboding sign..." Suho commented, snickering at the two kittens that were resting peacefully jumping and now zooming everywhere after the huge loud thunder startled them awake. While Elise ran all around the room trying to catch them and calm them down. "This is why dogs are better" he murmured, looking at the two malinois mixed pups calmly sitting there, enjoying the scratches Suho gave them.

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