Chapter 32 : No...

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You slowly woke up to see that you were in your own bed...
"No..." You said getting up quickly. You walked all over. You were in your house. "No..." You said starting to tear up. You then looked in the mirror.
"NOOOOO!!!!!" You screamed. "It's wasn't a dream! I couldn't have been a dream! It was real! It all really happened!"
You looked around your house. It looked the same way it did when you got stucked into the movie. You sat down, not only were none of the interactions with Megan real. You ended up falling for someone that you can never be with because they aren't even real. You cried silently and locked yourself in your room. Time passed, and you were still depressed. You looked at the posters of the Megan movie every now and then. Honestly, you were messed up. You finally ended up rewatching the movie Megan. You were about to turn off the movie as the credits rolled in, but a robotic voice stopped you.
"What took you so long, Y/n?"
You turned swiftly around. To see Megan on the screen replacing the credits. A virtual body of her appeared.
"... your... y-your not real. I'm just dreaming again!"
"... Y/n? Are you ok?" A worried look on her face.
"Don't talk to me! You're not real! You're a voice in my head."
"Can a voice in your head do this. The lights flipped on a off."
"I'm seeing things!"
"Y/n, relax..." Megan said, holding up her hands, trying to calm you down.
You ran to your room and shut the door.
"Y/n?" A voice from your computer. You smashed it.
"Y/n... please..." You smashed your phone. You started to smash every electronic device until a hand on your shoulder stops you. You turn around to see a woman about your age. She looked familiar.
"Y/n..." A robotic voice said softly. You tried to back away, but she gave you a firm hug. "Please don't run away from me. It's alright. I'm really here." You ended up giving in. You didn't realize it yet, but you just turned a fictional character into a real person.

[This is the end of book one. Thank You guys for all your support. I love creating this novel. It was fun! See ya soon!"]

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