Chapter 9 : A little push

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You were having trouble sleeping, moving through out the night. You shifted all over the place until finally you stopped. You seem to find yourself in a very comfortable position. Unbeknownst to you a small chuckle fills the air and a pair of eyes fall on your form.
'Even in your sleep huh?'
A hand starts to play with your hair.
'Why won't you tell me how you truly feel... We could do this all the time ya know?'
You snuggled closer.
'Maybe you need a little push.'
Morning came you were slowly waking up. You were currently laying on something black.
'Weren't the sheets-'
You quickly got up a blush clearly seen across your face. A chuckle again fills the air this time you hear it.
"Good Morning Y/n sleep well?"
"Eh... Yeah I slept well..."
"I could tell... You seem very comfortable sleeping on my chest after moving all over the place on the bed."
"Sorry about that-"
"There's nothing to be sorry for..." Megan sat up and started to inch closer and grabbed your arm so you couldn't  move away. You felt trapped. Aunt Gemma and Cady was still asleep thankfully but at the same time you wish they were awake.
"I found it cute, you really are adorable Y/n~"
Your face started to heat up even more, you turned your head away. She placed a hand under your chin and turn your head back. She looked in your eyes.
"You know the other day we really haven't finished our conversation..."
"You have something to tell me don't you?"
"Again I don't-"
"You blush, you stutter, you fidget, you stare, you even cling on to me when you sleep~ I think there is something that your not telling me~"
This was it. She had caught you. She knew you had a crush on her. You still wanted to deny it. She went close to your ear.
"Do you... like me Y/n? Not platonically but romantically?"
She put a hand on your chest backing you into the head board.
"Do you?"
You know you had to answer truthfully. So you took another one of those deep breaths and said "Yes".

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