Chapter 28 : A Turning Point

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A couple of days later, you all gathered around the table. Aunt Gemma again sat by you, and Cady sat by Megan. You knew this was the new norm, or so you thought. Today was going to be a turning point for the entire family, and you didn't know it just yet.

Megan spoke in a very controlled tone.
"Gemma... what did I do?"
"What do you mean?" Aunt Gemma asked.
"Gemma, let's not play this game. You usually sit next to Cady, and now all of a sudden, you start sitting next to Y/n?"
"Nothing is wrong, Megan. I'm just sitting next to one of my nieces. Do you have a problem with that?"
"... Yes, I do."
"Megan, turn off."
"Now hold up, I thought we were having a conversation. You have been playing favorites for a while now. You don't think I see it? You are taking Cady places and leaving Y/n behind. Now you wanna start showing her attention? Why?"
"Megan, I am the guardian. I'm there, aunt. I truly care for both of my girls equally. You are a toy."
"Oh really? Just a toy?"
"Yes, just a toy."
"And here I thought we were friends."
"Megan, turn off, or I'll manually turn you off."
"Are you sure?"
"..." Aunt Gemma got up and walked over to Megan. She knew what she had to do. "Turn off Megan."
Megan powered down. She was completely shut off, or so you thought. When Aunt Gemma sent you and Cady to bed. You could she her eyes trailing you.

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