Chapter 21 : Will It End The Same Way?!?!?

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You were watching TV, flipping through channels. Until you stopped at a news channel. Now you didn't like the news but the headlines and the picture captured your interest. A burnt body of a young boy was displayed on screen. Now you would usually flip pass this but what caught your interest was the name of your school mentioned.
'Thier's no way... right?' You thought. You already knew about Megan's little secret. She was a killer, a killer robot doll.
'Isn't that...' Yes it was the boy that had laided his hands on you. He was dead. Burnt to a crisp. You put your face in your hands.
'That boy died because of me... Wait if the boy died? What about the dog? Wait is it going to end the same way?!?!?' You didn't want to lose Megan she was a good person a little 'misguided'. You knew you had to take more steps to prevent this. What you didn't know was it was to late.

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