Chapter 5: Fangorn Forest.

Start from the beginning

The Lead Uruk agreed with that. "Get a fire going!" He ordered. 

The Orcs and Uruk Hai moved towards the trees to look for fire wood. 

Pippin crawled over to Arya. "Arya." 

"I'm fine." Arya assured. Then she looked at Merry. 

"Merry." Both her and Pippin said as they crawled over to Merry. 

Merry picked up his head. Which had a large cut on his forehead. "I think we might have made a mistake leaving the Shire, Pippin." 

Pippin grinned. 

"I think I made a mistake head for King's Landing and sending Nymeria away." Arya said. "I wish I had just gone home and ran back to Winterfell." 

"Who's Nymeria?" Merry asked. 

"She was my pet Direwolf." Arya answered. "Long story." Then she looked around. "Hey, if these guys stopped, then that must mean Jon will catch up to us." 

"How do we know he's not taking a breather too?" Pippin asked. 

"Because I know Jon." Arya answered. "He's not going to rest until I'm safe and sound. Seven Hells. You should've seen the one time when I got lost in the woods for 4 days when I was 7. Jon didn't sleep in all that time until he found me. With... help from Father and Robb." 

The Orcs and Uruks began chopping down trees. And a loud groaning noise could be heard from beyond. 

"What's making that noise?" Pippin asked.

"Are you sure that's not your stomach?" Arya asked. "Or one of theirs." She nudged her head to point out the Uruks.  

Merry picked his head up. "It's the trees." He answered. 

"What?" Pippin asked.

"The Trees?" Arya asked. "Trees don't make those type of sounds." 

"These do." Merry clarified. "You remember the Old Forest, on the borders of Buckland, Pippin? Folk used to say there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall... and come alive."

"Are you sure it's not Milk of the Poppy?" Arya asked. 

"Alive?" Pippin asked. 

"Trees that could whisper... talk to each other... even move." Merry added. 

"That sounds exactly like the Children of the Forest." Arya though out loud. She then turned to Merry and Pippin. "The original inhabitants of Westeros. They died of ages ago, though." 

"I'm starving." An Uruk said. "We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days." He complained as he threw the bread to the ground. 

"Yeah." An Orc agreed. "Why can't we have some meat?!" Then he looked at the Hobbits and Arya on the ground. And he got a smirk on his face. "What about them? They're fresh." 

The Lead Uruk turned on the Orc. "They are not for eating." He stated as an Uruk grabbed Merry, Arya, and Pippin up and away from the Orcs.

"Hey!" Arya yelled.

Another Orc came over. "What about their legs? They don't need those." He asked.

Merry and Pippin looked shocked and then they glanced at their legs. 

Arya shivered. 

"They look tasty." The Orc said as he walked towards the Hobbits. 

"Um... have you seen their legs?" Arya asked nervously. "It's all hairy and messed up. You don't want that hair in your mouth." 

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