7. House Keys

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Y/n's POV:

The next day at work went just the same as the one before. We did the stock in the morning then spent the rest of the day just playing little games on paper and talking about whatever came to mind. The only negative part of the day was having to listen to the same 10 soft rock songs on repeat.

By the end of the day if anything I was sad it was over because I knew I wasn't going to see Klitz until next weekend.

Finally next weekend rolled around and my bus arrived way before my shift even started. I made my way over to the shop early and just opened up and turned on the TV that was constantly plastered with advertisements for company hoodies and slush's. I then went and turned on the speakers and went to turn on the music that I was meant to play in the shop at a low volume. I went on my phone to connect it to the company music I saw that my phone popped up as an option to connect to.

I chose to wait until Klitz was here so he could pick what we play, I just sat at the counter and spun around on the chair, looking for some form of entertainment.

After about 10 minutes Klitz came in through the back. 'HEY.' He shouted while walking from the back, to the store.

'Klitz! Come here.' I shouted back while shooting up from my chair.

'Why does it sound like I'm in trouble.' He said while throwing his backpack into the stock room.

'Shut up, look at this.' I said, going over to the speakers and getting my phone out. 'We can play whatever we want.'

'Would they not shout at us?'

'I don't know, if they do then we can just say we couldn't connect to the company thing and just say we didn't want no music playing.' I shrugged.

'I wonder what they would do if we just started playing Eminem on full blast.' Klitz smirked.

'They never checked on us all last weekend so I doubt they would even know until some kids mom complained that her kids singing slim shady because some store was playing it.' I laughed. 'What should we play though?'

'Uhhh I mean it has to be PG so maybe Bowie or The Cure. Or 80's music or something.'

'Oh I have an 80's playlist actually. I don't want to get sick of Bowie or The Cure by playing it on repeat.' I said while looking through my playlists for my 80's one.

This shift was better than the other two since our conversations weren't being drowned out by shit soft rock from the 90's that only pensioners listened to.

The job just kept getting easier and easier once I knew exactly everything I had to get done by the end of the day. The first half of the days seemed to be spent doing actual work and the second half was always spent just playing noughts and crosses and spinning around on our chairs just talking.

Klitz's POV:

Work didn't really feel like work. Like yeah I would do stock then serve a few customers but over half my time at work was spent just talking and slacking off with y/n. Working with her was both a blessing and a curse because on one hand she was hot and funny and actually liked being around me but on the other she's hot and funny. Like I don't know how to act around women as it is, nevermind a pretty one who actually laughs at my jokes.

I've gotten pretty good at knowing exactly when to look away when she bends down to restock the bottom shelves or drops something so I could see her cleavage, in fear that if I did look I would either go red in the face and stutter like an idiot or even worse get a boner.

I'd decided that the 'cheek kissing incident' was just her trying to be nice and that she must have just felt a little sorry for me since she hasn't done anything else flirtatious since.

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