6. $10

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Y/n's POV:

After I left Klitz's car I went inside and instantly called Lani.

'Hello? Lani?'


'So today after you called Klitz was doing his drug test and my headphones were connected to his phone and his friend called to ask for a lift to another friends house and long story short it was a porno that he wanted to pick up and we were talking about it at lunch and Klitz was saying he thinks the pornos are gross and I said he's definately lying. And he said 'I'm not just saying that because your a hot girl'

'Oh my god.'

'I know BUT he didn't even realise he said it and he dropped me off home again and just before I left he asked what he said again because I wouldn't tell him so I did. And he got really embarrassed and red and stuttery and he just looked really sweet so I told him that he called me hot and he started apologising then I said it's fine and that he looks cute when he's nervous. Then kissed his cheek and left as quickly as I could.'

'You've had makeout sessions and done things with guys and you've sounded less worked up than you do right now.' Lani laughed.

'I know! I don't know why but something about him is so attractive to me and I'd sort of decided I wasn't going to do anything but then I just did it but was it a bad idea?' I asked while biting my nails.

'I don't know. Is it just sexual?'

'Ugh I don't even know. You know what I'm not gonna think about it. I won't see him for another two weeks. Maybe it'll go away by the time I see him next. Thanks Lani ttyl.'

Klitz's POV:

I sat there for a solid 2 minutes just trying to comprehend what just happened. I'd decided that she probably did it because she either felt awkward or she just felt bad for me. The odds of her actually liking me back were slim.

I'm definitely not gonna tell Eli because he's just gonna try and egg me on. Maybe I could talk to Matt.

When I pulled up outside Eli's and honked, I got my Bowie CD out and when I opened the case to put it back 10 dollars fell out from it. I was confused for a second before I realised y/n had probably hid it in there after I said no to taking her gas money. I smiled and put it in my wallet so that the next time I see it I can give it back.

The week after I went back to the theme park to get my uniform. I instantly started looking around to see if y/n was there but I couldn't see her. I got my uniform and it was fucking horrible. I got told that my first working day was the next Saturday.

Y/n's POV:

I got my uniform which looked horrible and when the next saturday rolled around I was dreading it. I'd found out that we work with either one or two other people in one allocated shop. We don't get to pick the shop and we don't get to pick who we work with. The odds of me working with Klitz is slim so I wasn't looking forward to it.

When I got there I got told to go to the main room and a guide checked me in then took me to the shop I'd be working in. The shop was right on the opposite side of the park and the guide told me that it was one of the least busiest shops so my job would be pretty easy. I asked who I would be working with and the guide got a piece of paper out of my pocket and started looking through the names.

'Uhh well it looks like you're only working with one other person. I didn't bring him here, another guide did but I think his name is Mark..Markus?'


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