Bully - Newjeans x Reader

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"I know I'm not the only one protecting Y/n. If that's all that you have to say then I recommend you take your own advice, we all know you do more for them than you speak of," Ni-ki angrily replied and continued to limp into the campus.

He was right.

At first impressions, you could get the wrong idea about Y/n-ah.... about all of us.

And you'd be right.

Y/n wasn't a good person anymore.

We all grew up nice and well. We were all friends and love to spend time with each other.... that's until Y/n's step-dad came into their life.

Y/n's new dad was a very corrupt man. He would beat Y/n for the silliest things and in turn... Y/n-ah started to beat other people.

We have attempted to help Y/n before but there's nothing we could do.

Y/n's dad also donated a lot of money to the school to make sure Y/n wouldn't get transferred out. It was so his thugs could keep Y/n on check and beat them every time Y/n acted out.

No one knew what "on check" meant but we all knew it wasn't for good reasons.

On the other hand, Y/n's mom acted completely oblivious to what was going on or would even side with her new husband.

So, I don't know.... it probably doesn't make any sense.... but yes... we're all still protecting Y/n... even though Y/n-ah really doesn't fucking deserve it.

- Hanni POV -

"Is she alright?" I asked the school nurse as she checked on Haerin.

Haerin's skin was a bit sensitive so she would get bruises easily when Y/n-ah would bully her.

"Yes, but this is like the 3rd time this week. Are you two ever going to tell me how this happens?" The nurse asked us.

"I'm just clumsy! It's alright. I'm alright!" Haerin began to panick.

"We just weren't paying attention while walking the hall. That's all!" I awkwardly laughed out.

It had been a year of this... so we knew she knew that it was a lie.

Haerin and I bowed at the nurse and rushed out of the infirmary.

"At least I caught you two in time," I told Haerin as we walked to class.

"Y/n had a few bruises themselves. Their dad probably beat them again," Haerin lowly responded.

I hated how we all still protected Y/n. Just because their dad beats them up... it made no sense...

But still Y/n was our friend.

We walked into our classroom to find Dani getting scolded by the teacher.

This was an ongoing thing. Y/n would always steal Dani's books and our teacher had gotten tired of Dani always asking to borrow a book.

"I got an extra book, Seonsaengnim!" I rushed over to help Danielle.

The good thing about being The Vice President was that teachers weren't too hard on me.

"Okay, you 3 take a seat," The teacher sighed.

- Dani POV -

Class went by fast.

Me and the girls were heading down to lunch when Y/n suddenly stepped in front of us.

"I'm hungry," Y/n coldly told us.

"Really? You harassed all of us this morning and now you're asking us for food?" Minji angrily asked.

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