Chapter 3

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The world carried on as normal. But the gods and goddesses were trying to work out what had happened. I was something big to do that. Heather had sent a message to Chris's other grandmother to tell her he was safe. He was a young god so there was a worry for him. He watched her as she waited for a reply.

Daisy-sky came in. She did with a loud bang too. She walked in with a simple red and black dress

"Mum, you won't believe it" the sound of her youngest calling her

"What is it?" she asked back to the younger woman.

"Mr Owl is back," she said a slightly pale face. Her breath slow down, her eyes fixed on an Ikea lantern which somehow worked in an ancient temple. As she stared off.

"No, this cause for a celebration" she turned to see her still and Chris leaned forward. "What is it?"

"He has a baby bird with him," she said again in a whisper.

It couldn't be that the owl had returned. A baby bird meant that if it came from Mr Owl then something had happened. And the baby bird might be Chris's. It didn't feel that long ago he was into his musicals from the early half of the twenty century. Now here was a young man gaining his bird. Heather tried to imagine if Oliver had a servant animal. She couldn't remember. Yes, she was tired of him flirting with her daughter. But it was Maddie-rose's love and Chris's dad. She had to think if he did. She had a fox at one point. But she had wondered of ages ago.

It was a few hours later and Chris was excited that he would have a servant animal. He bounced a bit more because he also had his mum's owl as well. He saw Mr owl lying there. Quietly as he watched it cradle a little robin, a baby one holding it in its wings. Everyone tried to make Mr owl react or show signs it was ready to say about Maddie-rose.

The school were trying to teach the students the importance of planting food and growing it. They were looking at how potatoes were growing. It was to show how they grew and what it meant. Miss Adams stood there watching the teacher and what he did. As lunch came around the whole primary school was up talking about how big bugs were going to kidnap the annoying students. It was a few years five and six that started it. They did it to tease the younger children.

The wind blew around them as they did it. It blew harder but no one took notice, just a stronger wind. It danced around as it did. Swirling the odd leaf. No one notices a figure by the trees. It was as if the teachers had to focus on the children. Which was both a bit of safeguarding. But the figure went even before Frankie noticed them.

Mr Wood was preparing his classroom. And going around the room with a sausage roll. It was a bit cold and should have been microwaved. But he didn't have time. He zigged in and out of the chairs not tripping over the children's ones. They were those small size ones. He had to do it as Miss Adams was on her break. He put the sheet on Frankie and Katie's table with the other pupils. It was the story of a god and a goddess who disappeared after having a child.

As year one came in Frankie came in untucking his skirt over his trousers. As you do when you can't decide what to wear on a Monday. Everyone gave up on him in the end. The class came in after and Katie sat next to him. They were plotting how they would catch a ghost in the woods. And the other plan of getting how to live with Frankie whilst doing it behind Uncle Tom's back. Frankie thought if he dressed up Uncle Tom it might attract one.

"Miss Adams, tell they cant bring ghosts home" a girl across the table.

"Sorry, Tabatha it's against their beliefs" miss Adams trying to avoid conflict.

"Not fair" scowled Tabatha with a frown and crossed arms. Her blond hair over her eyes. "I'm going to ask my mum"

"Now class the trip to the woods is on Friday. You need to tell your families if you are going" Mr Woods the teacher yelled. His tight curly hair bounced a bit as he said it.

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