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Soobin P.O.V

Yeonjun booked the flights for pretty early in the morning, so we’ll have nearly two full days in LA before we need to get back for school. We’ve checked in, and now we’re sitting in the airport lounge, waiting to board.

Taehyun was right, Dad totally bought the lie. I guess it’s because he trusts Taehyun so much.


I’m not thinking about my family this weekend.

While we wait for our flight, I’ve been reading and Yeonjun been gaming.

A part of me can’t believe this is happening.

That I’m doing this.

A really hot guy wants to go on a weekend getaway with me.

We’ll share a hotel room.

I’m like 90 percent sure I’m going to lose my virginity on this trip.

I think I’m ready. I’ve done a lot of research on the internet about how to have a safe and enjoyable time. I think I’ve covered all the bases. After a slightly embarrassing trip to the convenience store, I have everything I’ll need.

Or we’ll need.

I’m pretty nervous. I mean, I care about Yeonjun a lot, and I really want to have a good time. I think I will. I know I’m so attracted to him.

But I just know how awkward I can be physically. My body isn’t something I have complete control over.

I think Yeonjun will get all of this, though.

I don’t think he’ll be nervous about it. I just get the impression he’s a fairly sexual person, and he will just know what he’s doing.

“Hey,” he says. “Whatcha thinking about?”

“Oh, um, not much.”

“You just look a little worried. Are you a nervous flier?”

I feel like saying that is better than admitting I was thinking about us having sex.

“Yeah, a little.”

He smiles. “That’s so cute. You’ll be fine. This is a lot safer than swimming at night, and you did that just fine.”

“Good point.”

I feel like I finally have the old Yeonjun back. He got weirdly pushy for a while there. Now I feel like there’s no pressure on me. He’s just my friend.

I think we’re still dating, but I’m not sure how to label us yet, as we’re definitely not boyfriends. I don’t think we could ever get there until I trust him enough to tell him about my family.

A voice over the intercom tells us that the flight is boarding.

“Ready?” he asks.


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