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Soobin P.O.V

I’m sitting at a booth near the back, by myself. I’m thinking about Yeonjun, trying to figure out what I’m going to do about the epic shitstorm I’ve found myself in.

Being friends with benefits with him is never going to work.

I know that.

I like him way too much, and I’m way too attracted to him.

In fact, I’m genuinely worried about us getting so close and going so far that when it all falls to pieces, I’ll be ruined. I really can see us getting that close. Or at least my liking him that much.

Let’s be real, though.

Even with the risk, deep down I know I’m not going to stop seeing him.

I don’t know if I could stop, even if I wanted to.

The bar is dim, like always. Grandma is talking to P.J. Dad’s upstairs. It’s his first night back.

Ending things with
Yeonjun now would be a really good call. I know that.

And I want to be smart. I really do.

But hanging out with him it’s everything to me. I like it way more than anything else in my life. I can’t give it up.

I swirl my drink and take a sip.

It’s just Coke, but I’m hoping people think it’s got bourbon or something in it. I feel like drinking just Coke is too childish, and for some reason I care about that right now. Not that anyone is giving me much attention. Cassidy isn’t here tonight, so I’m back to sitting by myself, waiting for the night to be over.

The bar looks quieter than normal. It seems like a lot of allied families have sat this night out. Maybe Cassidy’s theory was right. That this exodus is because of the Friend Scheme.

I guess that’s paranoia for you, though.

I just wish Dad would listen to me. He can’t see this because he’s so sure he knows everything. But us losing allies is really bad. We need them, even if he thinks we don’t. I know in my gut that he should listen to me, but I don’t think he’s ever going to.

It makes me wonder if I’d like being a part of this world a little more if I were at least somewhat respected.

I’m not, though, and I don’t think I ever will be.

I’ll always be Little Soobin. The black sheep. The only person who listens to me is Yeonjun.

I pause, because Dad appears on the steps that lead up to the top level of the bar. He winces, then presses his lips together. He’s wearing a suit now, so the gauze on his stomach is no longer obvious. The bartender turns the music down, and the bar falls silent.

“Family meeting,” says Dad, his voice filling the room. “Chois only, upstairs, five minutes.”

He turns and slowly walks back up, having to use the handrail for support.

There’s a lull, and then chatter breaks up among the bar patrons. The music turns back on. Most of the people from allied families look seriously pissed. I get that. Nobody likes being left out. They’re probably wondering why they even showed up.

I finish my drink, then stand up.
Taehyun is at the bar, talking to a girl with strawberry-blonde hair. I’ve seen her around a few times, but I don’t know her name. I probably should, because I’m expected to know everyone here.

I guess Dad would be fine with his talking to her because he trusts Taehyun more than he trusts me.

As I walk over, she crosses her arms.

“I’m sorry,” Taehyun says to her. “I know it sucks.”

“You have no idea,” she says. “And hey, Soobin.”

I wave. “Hey.”

“This is Dad’s idea, not mine,” says
Taehyun. “If it were up to me, you’d be in there, too, I promise. He’s just been paranoid lately, because of the scheme.”

She turns away.

Taehyun touches her arm. “I’ll make it up to you, okay?”

She finally turns back. “You better.”

He grins, which makes me think he’s going to enjoy making it up to her.

The girl turns around and waves down the bartender.

What is her name?

Taehyun and I cross the bar. Once we’re out of earshot, he huffs.

“That seems to be going well,” I say.

He nods.

“Nice work,” I whisper. “She’s really cute.”

He chuckles. “You’re the only guy I know who’d call her cute.”

“But she is cute.”

“Yeah, but she’s hot, too. There’s a big difference. Most guys know it.”

I mean, I feel like one of these days he is going to stumble face-first right into the truth.

“It’s sweet,” he says. “Sometimes I wonder if there’s a romantic bone in my body. The only bone I have is in my-”

“Stop!” I say. “I so don’t want to hear the end of that.”

He chuckles. “That’s fair.”

Together, we go upstairs.

It’s a long hallway, lined with windows. The wooden floorboards beneath me creaks. If I look out, I can see the parking lot, lit by neon. I think back to when I first got in Yeonjun car, and how scared and excited I was.

He still makes me feel that way.

My blood chills. It would’ve been so easy for anyone standing where I am now to see me get in his car. So maybe we were watched. But surely if someone saw, I would’ve gotten in trouble by now.

Taehyun and I go inside a room to the right. It’s a conference room, with a long table in the middle, surrounded by high-backed chairs. About ten family members are already seated.

There’s an unlit fireplace at the head of the room, although I think that’s more for decoration than anything, as I’ve never seen it lit.

On the table are glasses of Scotch, a few bottles of red wine, and a bowl filled with fresh fruit, mostly red apples and grapes.

I think I’ve been here maybe three times in total.

I’ve hated it every single time.

Hanging on the wall opposite the fireplace is a portrait of my grandfather. He’s wearing a black suit, and I swear the artist did a great job of capturing his disapproving sneer. I catch Grandma looking at it, her eyes glassy.

I wish I could say I miss him.

But I blame him for the Choi legacy.

The darkness and our lies.

Its mah birth ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

This Friend | Yeonbin Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz