Exes and Oohs/ Season 2 episode 3 (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Pilot: I.M.P.? Right this way, please!

Moxxie points a gun toward him, while Millie holds a knife, Max then pulled out his sword.

Moxxie: Uh, sir? What's going on?

Blitzo: Now, don't worry! It's just some fancy shmuck from Greed wanting to do business with us.

Blitzo, Moxxie, Max, and Millie walk toward the helicopter.

Moxxie: Uh, sir, I don't think this is a good idea.

Blitzo: It'll be fine. Now get your asses moving.

Blitzo pushes Moxxie, Max and Millie into the helicopter, and as she tries to buckle herself in, Millie notices her seatbelt is broken.

Millie: Is this thing safe?!

Pilot: Don't worry, we are professionals!

However, they were NOT careful as they then take out a huge chunk of a wall as they fly off. Later, the very same helicopter is seen flying out of a hanger in the Greed Ring as they fly over Loo Loo Land, which is going under reconstruction, along with other carnage as they fly over a sign reading, "Welcome to Nomafia Town; No mafia here! We're Mafia-free!"

Moxxie: *disdained groan* I hate this place.

Max:I think an old pale of mine livss here. He goes by Vengar. I wonder how he's doing.

Blitzo: Oh yeah, this is your old stomping ground, isn't it, Mox?

Moxxie: Yeah, unfortunately. I grew up just over there, swore I'd never come back, and-- uh... uh-- what-- what, where are we going?

The helicopter starts changing direction, as Moxxie grows more and more anxious.

Moxxie: What-- Blitz... who did you say this meeting was with?

Blitzo: I'm not sure, just some rich somebody or other who wants to do biz at his place.

The helicopter finally lands, and Moxxie grows heavily worried after realizing where he's landed.

Moxxie: Oh no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!

The place in question is revealed to be a huge mansion, dark smoke fuming through both chimneys. Moxxie shivers in fear of the place, as Blitzo shoves him to move forward.

Client: [off-screen] There he is!

[The client moves out the doorway, being visible on screen.]

Client: There's my boy! Get over here and hug your daddy!

Blitzo and Millie: "Daddy?!"

Client: I only let Moxxie call me that... unless you pay me! (laughs)

Moxxie: Guys, (clears throat) this is my father, Crimson. Sir, this is my boss, Blitz. And my--

Millie: Millie! I'm his wife!

Millie takes her hand to greet Crimson as she accepts.

Crimson: And what a beautiful wife you are. [he kisses Millie's hand] Mox, where have you been hiding this pretty little thang?

Crimson:and who might you'd be? [Gestures to Max]

Max:I'm Maxwell. His son. And if you you think I'm weak. I'll show you the opposite.

Max's eyes turned glowing blood red


Max:I can see what you did and who you did. Don't think for a second that I'll trust you immediately.

Helluva boss: Moxxie and Millie's sonWhere stories live. Discover now