Help to Make the Season Bright

Start from the beginning

"Then I guess he should've been your fake date, huh?" Jennie said with a smirk. I couldn't help but smile back.

We wandered into a cute little store with beautiful glass blown ornaments, hand crafted buildings for a tiny North Pole, and breathtaking snow globes. Jennie wandered over to the globes and lost herself in the world of artificial snow. I admired the tiny buildings that created Santa's workshop, amazed at the detail.

"I had no idea you ever actually left the office."

Jennie and I both turned around instantly to find a tall man in an outrageously expensive suit for mall shopping standing in the doorway of the boutique. Jongin, the ex-boyfriend, flashed us both a huge smile of perfectly white teeth.

"It's hard to find to leave when I have to clean up after you," Jennie retorted and returned to the snow globes. She picked up one and examined it closer.

Jongin was unperturbed by the dig. "That temper of yours is why we broke up."

Jennie gently set the snow globe down and slowly turned her head to glared at him. Fear was struck in my heart and I knew instantly that I would never, under any circumstances, do anything to warrant the look Jennie used to pin Jongin against the wall. "Actually, the reason we broke up was because you're actually an asshole."

Jongin laughed humorlessly and began his retort, his face twisting in rage in a way that only the hatred of bitter exes could conjure. Naturally, I decided to step in and diffuse the situation before it ended in Jennie breaking a snow globe and stabbing Jongin with the shards of glass.

"That's not what you told me," I said loudly, stepping closer to Jennie and wrapping my arm around her waist. They both looked from my face to my arm around Jennie's waist in confusion. "I thought you said the sex with him was so bad that you switched to girls."

Jennie's mouth popped open in a silent laugh and Jongin's face burned red, a vein popping in his forehead. I stuck out my hand like I was oblivious.

"Hi I'm Jisoo, Jennie's girlfriend." Jongin eyed me,
his eyes bouncing across my face like he was trying to register the memory of my face. I didn't think Jongin would remember me, because even on the few occasions we'd met he was both too drunk and too self-centered to remember much of anything else except the suit he'd worn. He'd also refused to hang out at Jennie's apartment with us.

Jongin looked back and forth between the two of us, his mouth flapping open and closed like he wanted to say something. Jennie seemed to catch on once she saw Jongin's expression and she slide her hand into mine. His eyes trained on our intertwined fingers. Slowly, he reached out and shook my hand.

"You're gay?" he asked Jennie.

"I don't know if she was when you were dating, but she definitely is now. Really, I have to thank you Jongin. Without you I don't know if Jennie would have given me the time of day. Anyway, we really should be going. It was so nice to meet you Jongin." Jongin blinked but didn't say anything. I turned Jennie back to the snow globes and pointed to the one in her hands earlier. "Is this the one you want?" She nodded and I brought it to the cashier, who wrapped it in brown paper and gently placed it in a bag, which I handed to Jennie. I grabbed her hand again and led her out of the store. We passed Jongin again on the way out. He hadn't moved.

Once we were a few stores down and made sure Jongin hadn't followed us, we burst into laughter.

"Did you see his face?" Jennie gasped between breaths.

"I sure did. Totally worth it."

"That was hilarious. Thank you. I really needed that."

"Any time. You've already so graciously agreed to be my fake girlfriend, so I figured the least I can do is agree to be yours on the occasion that Jongin appears."

"You know what? I might drag you along to my company holiday party just to rub it in his face a little more."

"See? Now you understand why I need you!"

Jennie laughed but agreed. "Yes, I understand. If Soojoo is anything like Jongin..." Jennie shuddered.

"Exactly!" I said. We walked by the food court and the smell of melted cheese and freshly baked dough wafted through the air. "You want a pretzel?"


We bought a pretzel and sat at a plastic mall table to eat. We tore of little chunks and dunked it in hot, melted cheese.

"How much do I owe you for the snow globe, by the way?" Jennie asked between mouthfuls of pretzel.

I waved her off. "Nothing, it's on me."

"No, I can't let you buy it."

"Really, I don't mind. I want to buy it for you." Jennie looked like she was going to argue more, but I stopped her. "Really, Jennie. I'm happy to buy your snow globe this year. Consider it a thank you."

"It can't be a thank you when you're already doing stuff for me."

"Can I please buy it for you? I want to. Not for any favors or as a thank you, but because I genuinely would like to buy it." She looked at me for a moment and her eyes waived with tears. I reached across the table and squeezed her hand.

"Thank you, Jisoo." She was silent for a moment. I smiled at her and offered her a napkin which she used to dab her eyes. "I think I will watch The Office with you."

I grinned and pumped my fist in the air. "Yes! Now hurry up, we have a lot more shopping to do!"

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