Chapter 11: Love is blind

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Story status:5/10


I THINK I have checked it enough.

Maudie POV

When Ezra and I got to Chemistry class, Ava and Kyle were already there.

They were sitting at the very back of the classroom.

Ava spotted me and gave a comforting smile.

Then she started communicating in sign language.

We took sign language classes together last summer and we're both quite fluent in it.

'Kyle is fine now, I took care of him. Both of you should just give him some space for now.'

Is what I had read from her gestures.

I smiled back and signaled back.

'Okay noted. Thank you so much, I owe you.'

I heaved a sigh of relief.

Now Kyle won't go too hard on Ezra..

Thank God for Ava.

"What was that about?" Ezra whispered.

"Ava told- well... more like signed me that Kyle is okay, but we should give him some space to let him fully cool off." I whispered back.

"Thank god for Ava." Ezra said, closing his eyes and looking up in relief.

"Indeed." I replied.

We went to sit at our usual place, which is all the way at the front.

Kyle and Ava usually seat behind us, but not today.

We need to leave him alone for a while.

Preferably with Ava.

They are meant to be.

Not Kyle and I

Not Ezra and Ava.

Kyle needs to realize I'm not the one for him.

Time skip to when class starts..


I took small glances at Kyle as Mr. Umehara lectured us about atomic theory.

We sat at the back of the class,

away from Maudie and Ezra.

So, Kyle can just relax before he has to really face them in Geography.

That's one of the classes with assigned seats where he has to sit in between Ezra AND Maudie.

Sounds like pure torture in his circumstances.

I couldn't concentrate on the lecture because Kyle invaded my brain like an annoying but incredibly catchy song.

I can't stop thinking about what he and I almost did in the supply closet...

It could have escalated into something way worse.

I'm so glad Miss Celest came in on time.

I'm getting knots in my stomach thinking about it....

I took another glance at Kyle, expecting him to be half asleep.

But instead, I saw him staring at me with his head resting on his hand.

"What's up with you?" I asked.

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