Chapter 1: Possibility..

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Disclaimer: Contains Grief, Murder, Thoughts about suicide and bits of cursing..

(Sorry.. for everyone that is sensitive to those serious topics-.)

Some chapters are short, don't question it-.

So I got that out of the way. Let's get started!



(Sonic's POV)

Our friends had died from Eggman.

I didn't think it would be possible for him to do that. He usually aims for taking over the world, respect-. That sort of shit. But never thought he would actually have the nerve to..

But I guess I have to recap of how this happened in the first place.. Since you probably don't know what I'm talking about-.

It all started when I just hear something in our communicators. Tails gave us the communicators so if we were doing our own thing. We would know if something is wrong. And this time, there was.

Before that, I was relaxing in the grass, not worrying a care in the world. Suddenly, my communicator was vibrating like crazy. I thought "What can it be now?"  I looked at my communicator. Then my communicator start glitching. Then I knew.. "Egghead.. What does he want now?" The communicator started popping out a message.

"Sonic, if you can see the message.
Some of your friends have been captured. Go to my base by midnight if you want them alive. Don't be late or you'll see the consequences yourself."

I immediately thought, "How in the hell he captured them? Did he just hunted my friends out just for them to put for a ransom or something." At that time, it was only 3pm.. I couldn't think anything else I could do. 

Until.. I had a epiphany.

"Some..? Some of my friends..? Why didn't he got all of them?" I ran the fastest I can so I could see one of my friends still with me. I tried to think of the places they could be in at that moment.  Surprise, Surprise, there was only one of my friends. I see Amy in the distance. I immediately hugged her tightly.. At least one of my friends still was with me. Amy confusedly questions me, "S-Sonic? What's the rush for? Did.. something happen?"

I realized I had to explain to her. But I couldn't just say it. I didn't want her to be sad about it though. "Amy.. Our friends.. they been captured Eggman. I can't go and save them yet because.. A message in my communicator popped up and.. It said to come by at midnight. So if I do an early escape for them it be risking their safety-."

Amy looked at me like I was insane or something.

This was probably the most terrified I ever seen her. I guess she couldn't believe something like that would happen. "I...L-Let me help you out then. I'm sure I can help you somehow."

I was surprised she was willingly to assist me. But again I didn't want her to be hurt. She was the only one I got that wasn't captured. So naturally, I wanted to protect Amy from any harm. "No.. I want you to stay here. Eggman can hurt you or do something even worse to you. I don't want to say no but it's for your own safety." Amy was a bit quiet after that. I guess she was a bit upset that she wasn't able to help me.

Amy warned worrily to me, "Okay.. Just.. Be careful please."

I insisted back reassuringly, "C'mon Ames, you can always trust in me. When haven't I ever been careful?"

Amy looked at me like I was lying. "You sure about that? You always been sort of a dare-devil."

She really caught me offguard. I answered back, "Well I like the adrenaline rush but I know when to be serious though. This time I promise, I'll be careful alright?"

Amy smiled right back at me. She gives me a unexpected hug. Amy always been quite a optimistic uplifter. She ended up saying one more thing though, "Thanks for that-." 

I responded back: "It's nothing, really, Ames. Bye, see ya later." She said goodbye as well.

I realized I had to focus, at that moment.

I must, I'll get my friends back.

I must.

They mean alot to me and to Amy as well. She believes that I can save them..

Amy.. believes in me.

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