Chapter 17

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INT. STAIRCASE/OUTSIDE WILKINS' OFFICE - DAY The children hurry up the stairs, following Hamilton and Frye, who turn at the top of the steps and disappear around the corner. The children sneak around the corner in pursuit, spying on the lawyers as they go into Wilkins' office. Miss Farthing sees them.

MISS FARTHING: Is there something I can do for you, children?

The twins freeze; Jordan, though, sees the new jar of toffees on Miss Farthing's desk.

JORDAN: May I have a sweet, please?

MISS FARTHING: Yes of course, dear. You all can.

She takes the lid off the jar, gesturing for them to come over. As they do so, the muffled voices of Wilkins and the lawyers can be heard emanating from behind the office door...

HAMILTON: Mrs. Clara Corry, 42 Chatsworth Way.

FRYE: Evicted.

HAMILTON: Mr. Wallace Trimlet, 96 Digby Crescent.

FRYE: In foreclosure.

HAMILTON: Mr. Michael Banks, 17 Cherry Tree Lane.

FRYE: In foreclosure.

HAMILTON: Miss Muriel Brighton-Jones -


WILKINS: How many repossessions so far this month?

HAMILTON: 19, sir - and we have nearly that amount scheduled for next week alone.

WILKINS: Who would have thought this Slump would be so good for business, eh?

FRYE: (Gathering his courage:) I wonder, Mr. Wilkins, if, perhaps, as Michael Banks is an employee, you might consider giving him a few more weeks to pay off his loan.

WILKINS: And lose our chance to get that house? I don't like to lose, Mr. Frye. (Hitting the intercom:) Didn't I ask for tea, Miss Farthing?


MISS FARTHING: (On the intercom:) Yes, sir. Right away, Mr. Wilkins. (To the children:) Why don't you all help yourselves?

Miss Farthing goes off to get the tea. The children creep over to Wilkins' door. Annabel points to the sign on it.

ANNABEL: (Whispering:) "Office of the Bank Chairman." We can't go in there.

The children peer through the crack in the door, listening.

FRYE: (Nervously:) It's just that, well, his family has suffered tremendous hardship this past year, and -

WILKINS: You're not giving Banks one second longer to pay off that loan - do I make myself clear?

Wilkins swings his pocket watch. From Jordan's POV, he can see Wilkins' shadow on the wall – as the firelight flickers, it changes into THE ANIMATED SHADOW HE SAW ON THE CIRCUS TENT and back again.



JORDAN: It's the wolf!

WILKINS: (O.S.) In two days Banks will be out on that street and the house will be ours.

Jordan shoves the door open and charges into the office.

JOHN: Jordan, no!

JORDAN: You can't steal our house! I'm telling my father!

WILKINS: Steal your - ? Who are you?

FRYE: These are the Banks children.

WILKINS: ... Are they? (He smiles. To Jordan:) Come here, boy. I think you may have misunderstood -

JOHN: Let's go, Jordan!


Miss Farthing backs in, carrying a large tea tray.

WILKINS: Close that door, Miss Farthing.

Jordan and the twins race past Miss Farthing, ducking beneath the tea tray, nearly sending it flying.

WILKINS: (cont'd) Fool! STOP THEM!

Miss Farthing wheels round, trying not to spill the tea, kicking the door closed after Frye. Hamilton slams into the closed door. INT. THE BANK, MAIN FLOOR - CONTINUOUS Michael comes out into the lobby, where Mary and Martha Poppins wait for him. They hold out his briefcase.

MARY POPPINS: Ah, there you are Michael. The children and I brought you your briefcase.

MICHAEL: Oh, thank you two. But... where are the children?

The children come racing down the stairs, with Hamilton, Frye, and Wilkins close behind.


MICHAEL: What is it? What's happened?

JORDAN: (Pointing back:) He's the wolf trying to steal our house!

MICHAEL: What on Earth are you talking about?

Wilkins crosses directly to Michael.

WILKINS: I'm afraid your children burst into my office just now, Banks -


WILKINS: I was just seeing if anything could be done about extending your loan, when they came in claiming I was trying to steal your house.

ANNABEL: He is - we heard him!

MICHAEL: Mr. Wilkins is trying to help us!

JOHN: Then why was he chasing us?

Wilkins digs into a pocket, pulling out a handful of toffees

WILKINS: I just thought they might stop running about and making a scene if I offered them some sweets.

MICHAEL: I am so sorry, Mr. Wilkins.

WILKINS: Let's just see it doesn't happen again -

He places a toffee in Jordan's hand, one in John's and one in Annabel's.

WILKINS: (cont'd) (To the children:) After all, you don't want your father losing his position on account of you, now do you? (Stepping close to Michael, kindly:) Now, I know time is running short, Banks, but I want you to have every chance to pay off that loan - I'll stay in my office on Friday evening until the last stroke of midnight, you have my word.

MICHAEL: Thank you, sir.

WILKINS: (Turning to the lawyers:) Gentlemen -

He gestures for them to follow him upstairs. As they go.

ANNABEL: (To her father:) But Father, he really did it -

MICHAEL: Not another word! (to Mary and Martha Poppins) Take them home this instant. We'll discuss this when I get back.

MARTHA POPPINS: Come along, children.

Michael watches as Mary and Martha Poppins lead them out. He turns away, tense, then goes back to work.

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