Chapter 15

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They arrive at Topsy's repair shop - a little house at the end with a front door so low that everyone except Jordan would have to duck to go inside.

MARY POPPINS: (cont'd) Here we are.

Annabel reads the sign that hangs above the little door

ANNABEL: "TOPOTREPOLOVSKY'S - All Repairs Large and Small Fix-it Shop."

JACK: Looks as though it's just a Small Fix-it Shop today.

MARTHA POPPINS: That's just what we want. The bowl only needs a small fix, after all.

She raps on the door with the parrot head of her umbrella.

PARROT UMBRELLA: So now my head is a door knocker? I suppose my beak might be useful for opening cans -

MARY POPPINS: "Fuss, fuss, fuss" - don't be so dramatic.

Mary and Martha Poppins rap on the door again, hears nothing. They push the tip of the umbrellas through the letter box.

MARTHA POPPINS: (cont'd) Cousin Topsy?

TOPSY: (O.S.) (A strangely untraceable Eastern European accent:) Mary and Martha Poppins - NO! For the love of all that is holy, do not come in!

MARY POPPINS: Don't be so rude!

TOPSY: (O.S.) Please stay away, - it is Second Wednesday today!

MARTHA POPPINS: Second Wednesday... Oh dear, I'd forgotten. Still, today or never - that's my motto.

Mary and Martha Poppins forces the tip of the cane into the keyhole and thwacks the parrot on the top of the head.


They twists the umbrella, opening the lock, and goes inside.

MARY POPPINS: (To the others:) There we are.

INT. TOPSY'S WORKSHOP - CONTINUOUS They pass through the tiny door into a narrow entry hall, the workshop just ahead.


TOPSY: (O.S.) (Annoyed:) So in you two come. You two do not listen to Topsy.

Mary and Martha reach the doorway to the workshop. Almost instantly, the entire room begins to rotate, FLIPPING UPSIDE DOWN. Nearly everything stays stuck in place. TOPSY (dramatic, Bohemian, a restorations artist of the highest order) is at the top of a spiral staircase on the far side of the room; she grips the railings as the room spins.

TOPSY: (cont'd) Oh, no - it has begun!

The room comes to a stop with the floor where the ceiling should be. Topsy now sits on the ceiling. A chandelier juts up like a fountain in the middle of the room.

TOPSY: (cont'd) Now, what do you want?

MARY POPPINS: You have guests, cousin. You might at least greet them at the door.

TOPSY: And how am I to do that, please, when I am down here up on the ceiling?

MARTHA POPPINS: (With a sigh:) Very well, we will come to you. Excuse me please, Jordan. (To the children:) Now this way please. Be very careful on the way - up.

Mary and Martha Poppins make their way gracefully down the piles of broken things, the children, Maddie, and Jack following them.

TOPSY: Why be careful? Leave it all for Topsy to fix. Climb on my shelves, step on the toys, kick the little china dolls in their faces -

MARY POPPINS: John, Annabel, Jordan, Maddie and Jack - this is my and Martha's cousin -

TOPSY: Second cousin - many times removed.

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