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I grew closer to the school, my heart aching.
Would people stare at me? Would Vance talk to me? Will people try and pity me? Questions roamed around in my mind, making me question every little possibility. I sighed and tried to get the annoying feeling away from me. I kept walking as the school started to come into view. Kids crowded around every little open space there was, making it hard to even see the school sign.

I gripped the strap to my backpack, pulling it farther onto my shoulder.
I had now made it to the entrance of the school. People looked at me, giving me funny looks, dirty looks, and confused looks. I kept my head hung low and I started to hear whispers that were obviously about me. "I thought she died" "I thought so too" "didn't she get kidnapped with Vance?" "I heard that Vance and her killed the grabber.". I walked faster towards my locker, my shoes making a soft 'thump' with every step I took.

I finally made it to my locker. I let out the breath that I had unknowingly been holding. I quickly put in the lock combination and flung the door open, making it hit the locker beside it. My breath was heavy as I stuffed my backpack into the open space, and slammed the door shut.

I felt cold rings on my shoulders, I quickly spun around with a frightened look on my face. "Woah.!" Vance laughed. The look remained on my face as I let out a huff of air. Vance noticed and instantly became intrigued, "hey Y/n, you okay?" He asked. I shrug and give him a fake smile. "Yep, perfectly fine." I try and brush off the nerves, miserably failing as the unsure feeling stuck with me.

He gave me a knowing look before smirking at me, "you want to walk to class together.?" Vance questions me, the smirk still lingering on his face. I smile, "why not?" He puts his arm around me as we both walk side-by-side down the school's hallway, people moving out of the way, making sure they wouldn't accidentally bump into us.

Little did we know, someone was eyeing us our entire walk.

Moose's pov

How the fuck did Vance pull Y/n? I mean, Vance is well-Vance. But Y/n- she is perfect, her hair always is brushed and styled in ways that fit her amazingly, she always has a smile or an expression that compliments her dimples and eyes, and her clothes somehow always seemed to fit her and compliment her in ways people could never. God, I could go on about her all day. I was jealous, I was jealous of her and Vance. They seemed to get closer after being kidnapped together, what the fuck happened down there?

I manage to peel my eyes away from the couple, rolling my eyes as I do so. I slam my locker shut and walk in the opposite direction, towards my class. I walk with my head high, trying to boost my confidence and popularity, I wonder if it was working. What am I thinking? Of course it's working, I'm Moose one of the most popular kids in school. Even if my popularity wasn't making me known for some of the.. well- the best things. It's the same, right?

I open the classroom door and slump into my seat, which sat alone in the back of the empty classroom. This day was going to drag on, I know it.

Vance's pov

Something was.. up, with Y/n today. I mean I get that she might not be the same after what happened with all of the kidnapping stuff, but I didn't think she would be this different. I feel like she is a whole new person and that I don't know her. I want to hug her and comfort her, but I'm scared that she'll push me away.

I didn't realize that I was staring at Y/n until the teacher called me out. "Mr. hopper, what are you finding so interesting about Y/n exactly?" She questions. The whole class turns to look at me, I look at the teacher and shrug, "well, she's my girlfriend, I guess that's pretty interesting." I sarcastically smile at her. She made a concerned expression and turned back to the board, sighing before continuing her lecture.

I look over at Y/n and see her blushing manically, making me slightly chuckle. She looks over at me and grins at me before blowing a kiss my way. Now it was my turn to blush, my face turns bright red as I try and hide it with my locks of hair, making Y/n stifle a laugh.

The teacher stops her lecture and turns around to look at us, already knowing it was us causing the ruckus. "Vance and Y/n, if you two want to interrupt my time to teach and give you the slightest chance of having a good future, you can both leave and flirt in the office." She sternly states. I stay planted in my seat, I knew that if I were to go into the principals office anymore times or miss any of my classes again, I would be in deep shit with my grades and my own mother.

Y/n had different plans, she calmly got up and walked out of the classroom, harshly slamming the wooden door behind her. The whole class, including me, flinched at the sudden burst of noise. I quickly collect myself, hoping nobody else saw that, and look back over to the door and smiling.

I love that woman.

HIIII!! so I have a school dance coming up this Friday AND IM SO EXCITEDDDDD🫣🫣 and ik that this chapter isnt the best but we have been doing IAR testing in school and I have to go out and shop for some dresses soon so basically I have just been really exhausted and busy lately❤️❤️. but anywaysss HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT😘😘

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now