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Y/n's pov

Me and Vance were walking down the cracked and cold sidewalk, we were walking to the Grab n Go.
The walk was awkward, but oddly..comforting? We kept walking until we finally reached it. We both shared a glance before running straight through the front double doors, knocking into each other.

We laughed as Vance ran straight up to the pinball machine, smiling like a maniac. I giggled at his expression before joining him right next to the machine, leaning up against it. His eyes lit up as he dug around in his pockets, searching for a quarter and not even daring to look away from the brightly light machine in front of him.

He huffed before looking over to me, defeated. I playfully rolled my eyes and looked through my pockets, finding a few quarters and handing them to him. He smiles and looks at me with joy-filled eyes. "Thank you." He breathlessly says. I shrug with a small smile and look back to the machine, it now chiming and dinging with well-missed music and points slowly racking up.

Vance's eyes are now completely focused on the game, not caring about anything else around him.


Vance had been playing for a while now, and I was getting thirsty. I waited until he lost his game before I told him about where I would be. "Fuck!" Vance yells as he kicks the machine. I put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention, and he looks over at me, calmer than he was moments before. "I'm gonna go get a drink. You want anything?" I ask reassuringly. "Hell yeah, get me uh- a blue slushy." He smirks, putting another quarter into the game. I nod and walk over to the fridges that was just a few feet away.

I skim through my options, eventually deciding on an orange Fanta. I open the fridge door and reach for the drink. Of course, it HAD to be on the top shelf of the freezers, and if you haven't noticed, I'm not the tallest person, so top shelves are a big concern for me. I stand on the tip of my toes, but I still can't reach them. I huff, 'just my luck.' I think to myself. I am about to close the fridge door before somebody stops me. I look over at them and see, Moose? What was he doing?

"Let me get it for you, short stuff." Moose winks at me and grabs the drink from the top shelf. "The fuck you just call me, jackass?" I give him the stink eye and snatch the drink from his grasp. He shrugs "short stuff." He smirks and reaches for my hand. I don't know what this asshat had in mind, but I wasn't going to fucking put up with that shit today.

Before I could stop myself, my fist connected with his nose. He groaned and flung his head back out of pain. I only saw red at that moment. "The fuck is wrong with you!" Moose yells. I was about to snap back before Vance came over to us. "What the hell is happening Y/n?" Vance calmly asks. "This crazy bitch punched me!" Moose now had blood streaming from his nose and down his face, dripping onto his white t-shirt. "I asked Y/n, not you dipshit," Vance states. They both look at me and I shake my head. "This ugly ass hoe was trying to fucking flirt with me." My fists were balled up at my sides and my eye's narrowed at Moose.

Vance looks over at Moose and punches him in the gut. He yelps out of pain and doubles over. My eyes widen and I look over at Vance. He was now yelling at Moose uncontrollably, it was just a jumble of words but somehow Vance 'knew what he was saying'. I take Vance by the hand and drag him out the door, Fanta still secured in my other hand. The cashier yells at me before walking out about 'how I needed to pay for it', I didn't give a single shit.

I walked until me and Vance made it home, immediately collapsing onto the couch. Vance flops onto the couch just moments after me. I rest my head on the back of the couch and close my eyes, almost falling asleep. Vance is muttering to himself, I look over at him and open my eyes. His head is hung low and he was fidgeting with his fingers. "You ok Vance?" I was honestly worried for him, I cared about whatever was making him nervous. I mean, how could I not care about him after literally killing somebody with him?

He lifts his head slightly before whispering something softly, I couldn't understand him tho. "What Vance?" Is it up and grab his hand that he was fidgeting with. His breath hitched and he finally spoke up. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked, he sounded really nervous. I smiled as he turned his head away, scared of rejection. "Of course, I want to Vance." I smile.

He turns his head back towards me and his eyes light up. "Really?" "Really." He embraces me into a warm bear hug and I put my head into the crook of his neck. We both pull away from the hug soon and look into each other's eyes.

We were slowly moving closer to each other, occasionally glancing at our lips until they connected. My eyes shut as our lips molded and moved in sync

I love my boyfriend


Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now