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Y/n's pov

School was a drag the rest of the week. Filled with tests, low grades, fights. Nothing out of the ordinary. But it was finally Friday.

I had planned out my outfit for the party the night before and was currently changing into it.

I had planned out my outfit for the party the night before and was currently changing into it

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The main part of the outfit had a tight black shirt with a short jean skirt. Pulling together the outfit I had black knee-high stockings with a silver heart locket necklace, along with black butterfly earrings that had little skull accents.

I put on my black ankle-high boots with thick soles, carefully tying the laces trying not to mess up my red nails that I had freshly painted the night before. Getting up, I grabbed my black purse off of my vanity, quickly glancing at the fresh mascara I put on a few minutes before.
I stare at myself in my mirror, when the house phone suddenly started ringing downstairs. And I quickly ran downstairs to pick it up.

"Hello?" I said a bit annoyed that whoever was on the other side of the phone interrupted me and my routine. "Uh hey." A familiar voice rang through the off-white home phone. "Vance?" I leaned against the wall with a smirk painted onto my face. "Um yeah, this is Y/n right?" Vance said, his voice ringing through the phone "yeah, yeah it's Y/n. Why'd you call?" I smile more at the thought of Vance calling me. "Just making sure you're still going to the party. You still are, right..?" "Yeah! I was actually just getting ready!" I lean off of the wall, smiling brightly. I heard him sigh a sigh of relief through the phone.

We talked for a few more minutes, and he insisted on walking me to the party. Mostly because he didn't want what happened to Billy, to happen to me, but also because he wanted to talk to me one on one before the party.
I walked down the steps, waiting for Vance to arrive. My mom and dad were barely ever home now, if they weren't searching for Billy they were at my grandparents' house, seeking comfort. It's almost as if they kinda forgot about me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a few sharp knocks at my front door and quickly ran over to it, I opened the door and saw Vance standing there. He was wearing his iconic white tank top, along with his sleeveless jean jacket and blue jeans.

"Hey Vance!" I smile as I walked out of the door, locking it behind me. His eyes wandered around me, taking a good look at me, almost as if he was studying me, weird.

Vance's pov

I walked towards her house remembering what she told me on the phone, 'look for the red house with 2 big windows in the front.' She didn't give me much of a description, but it would have to do.

I carefully looked around the street looking for a red house. Until I had found it, a big red 2-story house that had 2 huge windows that lead to their living room. I walked over to their white door, knocking on it sharply. Y/n opened soon after. Holy shit, Y/n was wearing a cropped tight black shirt, along with a tiny jean skirt, black stockings, and black boots. She looked hot.

"Hey Vance!" I was brought out of my thoughts when her voice rang through my ears. I looked up at her as she shut the door behind her, making sure to lock it. "Ready to go?" I asked as she hummed in response.

Me and Y/n were walking to the party. The walk was quiet, I didn't have any intention of starting a conversation, and Y/n was too focused on trying not to step in any puddles. I laughed quietly at her, she glanced over at me, her eyes jokingly glaring at me. "What's so funny?" She says, smiling. "You. Why are you walking like that?" I laugh at her again. "Hey! I'm trying not to get my boots all dirty!" She says, sounding offended. "Whatever." I smile and playfully nudge her, making her stumble. She nudged me back, sending me stumbling into the road.


Me and Y/n had finally made it to the party, and I was able to tell this was her first time. She looked intrigued by all of the people, sounds, and definitely smells. It smelt like a mix of weed and cigarettes. It reeked. My face scrunched up and my glare was slowly painted back onto my face. I looked around, searching for my main group of friends.

After not being able to find them, I looked back over at Y/n and saw that she looked really nervous, I felt kind of bad. "Hey, you ok?" I grabbed her hand, trying to make her feel at least a little better. "Yeah... I guess." She squeezed my hand. I felt something weird in my stomach, I didn't feel like I was hungry or sick, it felt as if butterflies were flying around in my stomach. I hated it.

I looked at my now-found group of friends then right back at Y/n, I sighed and started walking towards the kitchen, dragging Y/n behind me. "Wait- where are we going.!" She shouted a faint smile on her face. "You wanna drink?" I said looking back at her, a smile on my face while a smile slowly appeared on hers.

I grabbed 2 red solo cups and quickly poured whatever alcohol was laying around on the counter into the cups. I handed one of the cups over to her and took a sip of the other one. I watched as she slowly brought the cup up to her mouth and took a cautious sip of whatever was laying in the red solo cup.


I had no idea how many drinks I had and no idea what time it was, but I did know that me and Y/n had gotten into a pretty heated fight. I have no idea what it was about but I felt terrible, usually when I would get into a fight with somebody they would end up bloody. But it felt different this time like I didn't want to hurt her anymore.
"Seriously Vance! What the fuck, what the hell is wrong with you?" Y/n yelled at me. It did hurt me to see her like this. But I didn't respond to her, I stayed quiet. She had tears streaming down her face and it was all because of me. I still have no idea what I had done, I was too drunk to process anything.

Before I could stop her she stormed out of the party, leaving me behind. At that point, everyone was staring at me. "What the fuck are you dipshits staring at?" I yell, before storming out of the party and towards my house.

Y/n's pov

I hate him, I hate vance so fucking much. But I can't help but miss what me and him had.
Vance and his shitty friends ruined what me and Vance had built, they tore it all to the fucking ground. They embarrassed me in front of everyone, and it ruined me, ruined what took years to build.

For context, Vance and his dick friends had talked shit about Billy, saying that I was the reason he was kidnapped and that Vance had been leading me on. And that shit really set me off, I didn't want to love or miss Vance, but I couldn't help it. What he did was fucked up, and he knew that.

My thoughts continued as I crossed a road. But came to a full stop when a car came crashing into me, knocking me to the ground unconscious.

EEEEEE MY FIRST CLIFF HANGERRR. sorry about not uploading for a little! School has become overwhelming and just really annoying👎👎. But here is this chapter! ILL TRY GETTING THE NEXT CHAPTER UPLOADED SOON SO IM NOT LEAVING U GUYS ON A CLIFF HANGER FOR LONG🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶.

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora