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"Why the fuck did you run," Vance yelled straight into my ear. "What do you mean why the fuck did I run? Why the fuck wouldn't I run, dipshit." I said with way too much confidence.

Of course, that didn't end well. He dropped my coat collar, and I got a face full of dirt. I groaned as my already broken nose hit the ground. "You never fucking learn, do you?." Vance stated. "I guess not," I mumble, thinking I was the only one who heard it.

"Stop fucking mumbling! It's annoying as shit!". I could tell Vance was becoming aggravated and it made me worry as I knew things would only get worse from here.

I attempted to get up so I at least wouldn't be on the dirt path while I was getting my ass beat, but, I just got shoved back on the ground. Only this time I was facing Vance.

I looked up at him with furrowed brows, while he grinned, looking down at me.


I was now walking back home with a bloody nose, cuts all over me, and a new grudge that I will forever hold against Vance Hopper.
The sun had set ages ago and I was supposed to be home an hour ago. Walking home was a struggle as my nose would not stop bleeding and both of my knees had scratches on them from me falling while running away from Vance and his shitty friends.

I walked up my front porch wincing in pain as I bent my knees, only making them bleed more. I unlocked the front door and stumbled in.

I looked around for Billy, as he would always clean my cuts for me when I got into fights or when this would happen to me. "Mom?" I called, my voice echoing through the house. "Yeah, hun?" My mom said, coming out from the kitchen. Her eyes widened as she saw me. "Holy shit, what happened to you?". I could tell that she was worried about me but I didn't want her getting involved in anything and only making it worse for me.

"Did Billy ever come home?" I purposely avoided her question. I could see the worry that grew in her eyes. "No, I thought he was with you? Weren't you guys with each other at the Grab n Go?" My mom said, her voice trailing off.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom to clean myself up. I grabbed the first aid kit and a cloth from the bathroom cabinet and began to clean myself up. I tried to remember what Billy would always do to clean me up.

I hear my mom calling different people in our neighborhood downstairs looking for anyone who knew where Billy was, and it started to make me worry. I walked to my room and closed the door behind me, I went towards my closet in search of some pjs I could easily slip on.

 I walked to my room and closed the door behind me, I went towards my closet in search of some pjs I could easily slip on

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Can change

I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted from the day. As I sat in my bed, I worried about where Billy was and why he never came home. I just sat there thinking, and at some point, I eventually fell asleep.


It was the next morning and a Sunday.
Every Sunday me and Billy went to the park with our dog Max to play fetch and just be kids. I got up and looked over at my clock, I groaned as it read 10:18. I had finally woken up at a decent time all by myself.

That's when it hit me, it wasn't normal for Billy to not wake me up in the morning. I finally had let it sink in at that point, Billy had never come home yesterday.

I got out of my bed, and ran across the hallway, over to Billy's room. I had high hopes that Billy would be laying in his bed, peacefully sleeping. I opened up the door, and, he wasn't in his bed. My heart stopped as I realized that Billy might be missing.

I slowly walked down the dim hallway, toward my room but I was interrupted when I heard quiet sobs coming from the living room. I walked down the stairs and saw my mom sitting on the couch, my dad next to her. My dad sat silently on the couch, while my mom sobbed.

"Mom?" I called out. She turned her head, her teary red eyes meeting my e/c eyes. "What's going on?" I question, walking over to the couch. My mom began to cry even more. My dad turned his head to me, "how about you go over to the Grab n Go and get your mom a drink, just to give her some time to calm down? We'll tell you everything when you come back." My dad said to me in a calm voice.

I nod my head and go back to my room. I thought to myself as I picked through my wardrobe, searching for something warm I could wear. I ended up settling with a basic red sweater and light-washed jeans.

 I ended up settling with a basic red sweater and light-washed jeans

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Outfit of the day
(Can change)

Getting ready consisted of brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, and putting on mascara. I walked down the stairs and back into the living room. My mother was still on the couch, sobbing. "What drink does mom want..?" I question my dad. "Anything is fine." My dad replied. I nod my head and walk out the front door.

HIII!!! omg, this chapter felt so rushed and I'm so sorry!! And I am also sorry about how long this chapter took to come out! I FEEL SO BAD FOR BILLY THOOO. HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT!!

Heart stopper// Vance Hopper x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now