'If I killed someone for you' | Yandere!Saaya x Reader

Start from the beginning

MARI!!!: Heyyy! Wanna go out somepoint during the week?

What are you supposed to do. Saya has told you that you're the last good thing in her life, you can't just leave her like that! Himari has been your friend since you were young, though. You didn't want to leave Himari, but you also didn't want Saya to do anything to herself.



Why do you want me to
drop Himari so badly?

It sounds possesive,
but I think I should
be your only friend!

You deserve to have
someone who can
provide for you and
help you through
tough times! Not



With the way Saya spoke, it made it sound like she had just confessed to you. You used to like Saya, but that passed.

Frantically, you rolled around in your bed, stuck on what to do. What are you supposed to tell Himari if you do drop her? 'Sorry Saya told me we shouldn't be friends bye' 'Your hair is too pink, sorry' 'Who are you again?'. Maybe you could just leave the reason unspecified.



I can't be your
friend anymore.

Huh? N/N wdym??



This user has been blocked.


You cried.

You cried an awful lot.

You knew Saya would be happy, but oh god did it hurt.

Maybe your now longer hours at work will distract you from this.

[Next Day]

You were on one of your few breaks of the day, you get multiple due to how long you worked. God, the job was tiring, but atleast you got to work with one of your closest friends, right?

"Hey, Y/N, if it isn't too much trouble, would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" Saya asked, despite the fact she was still serving customers.

The question made you jump a little; was she asking you out on a date, or were you overthinking this? You staying silent in shock for longer than you realised.

"We can go as friends if that's what you'd prefer, but I think if you're willing to, it'd be a nice date," Saya explains, as if she read your mind.

"I-" you cut yourself of, you can only imagine how red you were at the moment. Saya stood patiently waiting for your response, "I'd love to," hearing that, she beamed and continued working.

Around 7 minutes had passes, so your break was nearly over, when you faintly heard a familiar voice at the counter.

"Are they here? I really need to speak to them, I can't message them, they blocked me!" Your stomach dropped. It was Himari.

You prayed and prayed she would leave; you couldn't face her and the end of your break was falling upon you.

"Sorry, Y/N doesn't want to speak to you right now. Unless you're here to buy something, I'm going to have to ask you to please leave," you hear. Saya was your saviour at that time, it's like she knew you couldn't face her.

Your mind wanders off, but you can still hear the muffled voices of Saya and Himari. Himari sounded distressed, like you had just died in front of her. Saya remained calm and composed.

Eventually, Himari leaves and Saya comes into the break room.

"Sorry, I know you heard that," Saya, reassuringly, puts a hand on your shoulder. You nod slowly. Not really having anything to say. Saya continues to speak, "This is... very out of the blue, but I want you to drop out of school. I want you to leave your own home and live with me," Saya spoke is a very serious tone, it sounded more like a demand rather than her asking anything off of you.

"What?" You think she's joking. You can't just leave everything behind!

"I can provide for you, I can keep you happy, I can get rid of any problems. Like I just did with Himari," she spits out your ex-friends name, her words were like venom and she spoke sinisterly.

You grow confused, what does she mean by get rid of? As if Saya had just read your mind, she spoke again,

"Himari's dead. I saw an opportunity where no one else was around, so I killed her. Dragged her body to the bin outside round the back. We can be happy now, without anyone bugging us,"

Tears stream down your face, how could Saya do this to one of your friends! You start crying and push Saya away from you.

"Y-you monster! I will never be with you!" You scream at her, upset and your mind is clouded. Saya just sighs, walking up to you. You feel a pain in your head, then it all goes black.


Groggily, you wake up. You're on a bed. You try to get up, but your hands are tied, so you sit up instead, panicking.

You hear a giggle. Saya's giggle.

She's sat on a chair near you.

"Dear, don't worry, you're safe," Her words were like venom, as they smoothly ran out her mouth.

She stands up and walks over to you, placing a gentle had on you cheek.

"I love you, and I will do anything for you,"



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