Kasumi x Reader Headcanons

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I've been writing a fanfic currently, it's at 2k words and I'm barely half done! So that's why I haven't updated that much, apologies!

♡She loves doing your hair to be a star like hers! That's if you have the hair to do it of course.

♡Favourite date? Star gazing! You and her could set up a small area, lay down, and look at the stars for hours.

♡Shows affection through both physical touch and words! She loves giving you kisses and cuddles, but also teeling you how amazing you are and how much she loves you.

♡She makes you cute bracelets and necklaces with colourful beads.

♡She constantly talks about you to the entirety of poppin party. Often times she does it when she's supposed to be practising.

♡She trusts you with her life! She will tell you anything, and trust you not to tell anyone

♡If you ever did something to hurt her, she would stay quiet for ages. Asuka and Arisa would have to be the ones to convince her to come out of her room.

♡She shares all of her sweets with you!

♡You often get to watch Poppin' Party practice.

♡When you have sleepovers, which happens a lot, you go to bed extremely late, sometimes you even pull all-nighters.

Bandori x GN Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now