Yukina x Reader x Kasumi

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Quick fanfic while I write longer ones huhehehe. I'm currently writing a Kaoru x Reader and a Moca x Reader, but I'm not giving any more information teehee.

This one will have two endings for both characters!

"Y/N!!!~" You hear the familiar voice of a close friend. You were brought into a tight hug that you could only return.

"Kasumi! Hiya!" You respond. Kasumi was still holding you very tightly, but that's her way of saying hi.

"I was wondering you could come with me to Hazawa coffee later today!" She said with eyes full of hope.

The day was Saturday, so Kasumi had band practise for a bit, but she was free the rest if the day.

"I'd love too! I haven't been there in a short while so yeah, sounds fun!" You nod your head.

"Great! Meet you there at 3pm!!" Kasumi says joyfully. She runs off, probably to bug Arisa.

"Y/N? It's been awhile," you hear a voice from behind that rings a bell in your head. Who is it? Why do they sound familiar?

You turn around to see who it is.

"Yukina?!" You and Yukina used to be very good friends, until she made Roselia. She was too busy to talk anymore, so you decided you'd make new friends.

"I'm glad to see you again. I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk more recently, Roselia have been-"

"I know. I know," you cut her off, "bands seem like they take a lot of effort, why do you think I'm not in one?"

Yukina doesn't reply, but gives a small laugh.

"Y'know, I admire you a lot for that fact, Yukina! You're so amazing at so many things, having seeing a few of your shows myself, I believe that you have the potential to be a world famous musician one day!"

Yukina's face reddened a bit, but she quickly composed herself.

"Thank you, Y/N, I'm glad you think so. At 3pm today I shoukd be free, would you like to go to the park with me?"

"Sorry, Y/N said they would go with me to Hazawa Coffee!" Kasumi, who somehow manged to sneak back behind you, states with a face full of fries she got from the restaurant.

"Kasumi? Aren't you supposed to be at band practise??" You say, slightly worried that Kasumi is missing her practise time.

"Don't worry! It was cancelled today because Rimi is sick!" Kasumi explains.

You turn back to Yukina, who is staring daggers at Kasumi. How dare she announce that you are going somewhere right after she offered to go somewhere with you.

"Well, Y/N, if you change your mind about going with Kasumi, I'll be at the park. I planned on going there either way," Yukina states while departing. Before becoming out of view, she gives Kasumi a look of envy.

"Aww, but you will come to Hazawa Coffe with me, wont you, Y/N?~" Kasumi whined.

"I don't know... I'll message you if I decide to come," you tell her, giving a small smile.

"Okay! See you soon, Y/N," Kasumi waves goodbye before dissappearing again.

What to do, what to do. You want to do both things! You can't hold them off to a different date due to Yukina being so busy, and Hazawa Coffee being closed from Sunday till who knows when due to maintenence.

The perks of going for Yukina is that you haven't seen her in ages and you can finally catch up with her, but with you've been friends with Kasumi for longer and going to Hazawa Coffee with her sounds like so much fun..



Decided I'd meet you
at Hazawa hehe


See you there!!!


You walk into the coffee shop and see Kasumi sat on a table in the middle.

"Kasumi! Hiya!" You greet her.

"Y/N! I'm glad you came! Sit sit!! I wanna speak to you about something!"

You took your seat and Tsugumi asked for your orders.

"I'll have a hot chocolate please!!" Kasumi states.

"Can I have F/D please?" You ask.

"Coming up!"

"Sooo, Y/N. There's been something I've wanted to say for awhile hehe. Arisa has been pushing me to tell you, but it's been difficult," Kasumi says, her face painted a light shade of red.

"You can tell me anything!" You give her a big smile and hold her hand, making her face turn even more red.

"Okay well, Y/N, I've liked you for awhile now. Not as a friend, but as... How do I say this... Um... Can I be your girlfriend?" Kasumi asks, now redder than a tomato.

"Kasumi..." You say, also extremely red, "Y-yes!! You can!! You can be my girlfriend!"

Both of you are extremely red, but extremely happy. After you finished your drinks, you paid and left hand in hand.

You arrive at the park looking for a specific, lilac coloured hair girl.

"Yukina!" You half-yell as you spot her.

"Ah, Y/N, you joined me," she said with a genuine smile on her face.

You sit down beside her on the bench and look out at all the colourful flowers. The wide aray of colours sent you intk a daydream until you were snapped out by something touching your hand.

You felt Yukina's fingers intertwine with your's, but you didn't move your hand. You just smiles and red was dusted onto your face.

"I would've told you this sooner, but band and all that kept me from being able to. Y/N," she pauses for a second, trying to compose herself, "Y/N, I really like you. I have for awhile. I hope you feel the same,"

"Yukina..." You didn't know how to respond. You were mostly starstruck that she liked you back. Instead of answering, you gave Yukina a peck on the lips, leaving her cherry red. After you gave her a grin.

"Is that a good response to your confession?" You say, grinning like an idiot.

"Yes.." Yukina says, clearly flustered.

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