'Tangled' | Knight!Moca x Royalty!Reader

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This chapter is gonna be based on Rapunzel kinda, except instead of really long hair, the reader is crafty and made a ladder

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This chapter is gonna be based on Rapunzel kinda, except instead of really long hair, the reader is crafty and made a ladder

Would also like to clarify that requests are open! Most of these have been non-requests 😪

"Y/N! I'm back! Let down the ladder!" A woman at the bottom of the tower you lived in yelled

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"Y/N! I'm back! Let down the ladder!" A woman at the bottom of the tower you lived in yelled. That woman was Marina; your mother. Marina had homeschooled you since you were young so you could have a proper understanding of the world; the only thing different that she taught was that the people on the planet where terrible and nasty. The outside world was something to be feared according to her.

Another thing that confused you was the fact you didn't resemble her. (If you do resemble her, just pretend you got different face shapes and body types maybe?). She had taught you all about genetics and how they work, but you were confused on why you didn't look like her. The one time you asked her though she got upset over the fact you would 'accuse her of not being your true mother, despite everything she's done for you'. She didn't speak to you for a week after that, so you never asked her again.

"Y/N? You haven't fallen asleep have you? I need to get up!" Marina called out again.

You grabbed the ladder, made out of wood and rope, and it was decorated by flowers, vines, and paints from different kingdoms Marina ha visited.

Marina climbed up the ladder and you pulled it back up. After you put it back where it belonged, Marina pulled you into a tight hug.

"How were you while I was gone?" Marina asked, "Have you made anything new?"

"It's not finished yet, but I started making a music box. I've got the tune done, I just need to make it spin," you explained, "it won't take long, and I was hoping I could play it while I watch the lanterns on my birthday," you look down at the music box with a small smile. No matter how big of a gift Marina gets you, the lanterns have always been your favourite part of your birthday. Watching them drift out into nothingness never fails to warm your heart.

"Ah! Yes, your birthday is next week! I was going to ask what you want so I have time to get it," Marina says, clearly implying that she wants you to tell her what you want.

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