'If I killed someone for you' | Yandere!Saaya x Reader

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Very happy this one was requested I love Saaya Sm she's my underrated queen!

For clarification I'm gonna call her Saya in this just because it's easier to type.

This is partly based on the song 'If I killed someone for you' by Alec Benjamin.

Warning: Obsessive behavior, killing, Saya might be a bit ooc, Himari is referred to as Mari as a nickname, but that's not rlly a warning

Requested by: ThePianoProdigy18

(2nd Person)

Longer hours. She's asked if you could do longer hours. Again. You love your job at the bakery, but it was only supposed to be a part time job while you were in high school; you never wanted this to be fulltime since you wanted to focus on school to get good grades to become a (dream job).

"Sorry to ask of this again, I know you only got more hours a few weeks ago, but I can pay you more, promise!" Your good friend, and boss, Saya says in her usual carefree tone.

"Sure, it's not many more hours. I'm sure it'll be fine," you lie through your teeth. It's gonna affect you a lot, you just don't have the heart to say no.

Saya gives you a smile before packing her bag, then handing you yours. After sending her a toothy grin, you turn to leave. Strangely, Saya follows.

"How come you're coming with me?" You questioned.

"I wanted to go for a walk anyway, the weather is nice and it'd be good for me," she giggled slightly. Not thinking much of it, you contined on your walk home.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice calls out.

"Oh, Mari! Nice to see you!" Out of anyone you were expecting to see, the short pink haired girl was the last of them. Sure, she was one of your closest friends, but she doesn't tend to spend too much time around that part of town.

"It's great to see you, N/N!!" She squeals as she walks up to you. She gives you a light hug and starts talking about something that you didn't understand.

Unbeknownst to you, Saya was shooting daggers at Himari. How dare she think she can just speak to you on your 'date'. It was a date, you just didn't know it yet.

After Himari left, Saya was weirdly silent. The atmosphere was awkward and you didn't know what to say.

"I don't think you should be friends with.. her," Saya's words took you by surprise. You stopped suddenly and stared at her with wide eyes. Her face was stone cold serious.

"What do you mean? Did Mari do something?" You were so confused, why didn't Saya want you to be friends with her?

"Am I not enough for you? Why do you need to be her friend? You stopped our walk just to speak to her! I've given you a job, good pay, I even help you with your homework!" Saya sounded extremely frustrated, and you couldn't help but to feel extremely guilty.

"Saya, I'm so sorry if I made you feel that way, I-"

"If you are really sorry you wont be her friend anymore," her voice was no longer desparate or frustrated, she was serious about this. She had just demanded you drop one of your closest friends.


Shakily, you grab your phone and check messages. The top two contacts made you want to cry.

Two New Messages
Saya♡♡: Sorry I seemed upset at you earlier, I'm angry at Himari, and I accidentally took that out on you :)

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