After that she started to look over her gear. 'Armor, sword, axe, crossbow, food, potions, and gapples. That should be it.' She was counting things off her list as she found them. She wasn't bringing a lot; she didn't need it.

She grabbed a book, different from the journal for her memories, and wrote something in it. After finishing her writing, she put it in her saddlebag and turned to face her house. She was happy she had a place to call home, to live in peace, to just be her.

She was halfway to Perfection when she heard someone calling her...

"Amira, wait!" A very out of breath Tommy came running out of the tree line. "Hey, I've been looking for you!"

"What? Why?"

"Just wanted to make sure you wouldn't chicken out!" Tommy was trying to cheer her up, just not doing it too well.

Amira was about to leave when he remembered something he needed to give him, "Oh! Tommy, could you hold onto these books until we're done fighting Onyx?" She held out two books, one full of memories written over the years of her life, the other written only this morning.

The child stared at the books for a bit before grabbing both "Hey woman, or man, or... whatever you are right now, uh when do you want me to give them back?"

"I don't really want them back until we beat Onyx. You can decide what to do with them, but I don't want you to read them until after we beat Onyx, K?"

"Yea, whatever. You can count on me."

The younger turned and ran away with the two books in hand. He didn't question what the books were about, or why she gave them to him. She was counting on that. If he had asked any more questions she wouldn't have gone through with her plan.

"Okay Malum, let's go." 


She met up with Foolish, Quackity, Techno, and Phil. They were the only ones she told to meet her here. They knew her plan inside and out. She knew they could stand their ground against Onyx, that's why they were to be the front fighters.

Everyone knew that Amira intended to fight Onyx, few knew that they weren't going to kill him. A sigh escaped the ginger, followed by a question "Are you all ready?" She was trying to stall. She just wanted to give up and go home, but that wasn't an option now. She had gotten these people together to end Perfection, and they would do just that.

After a chorus of yeas and yeses, they entered the castle. It was enormous and beautiful. The blackstone walls climbing higher than an old growth taiga tree, the floor dusted with redstone and gold accents. Chandeliers hanging from the domed ceiling, soul lantern, alongside the normal ones hung, swaying back and forth. There were tall arches, leading into an internal courtyard, and to each of the turrets surrounding the massive castle. There were fountains of lava falling from the ceiling, bubble elevators in each spiraling tower leading to the top. A central becon shone into the sky, surrounded by a glass sphere. Tinted glass flooring allowed for viewing of the enormous mine below. A huge crater, with busy minecarts whizzing back and forth.

As the group walked they reached a set of doors, open to a long maze-like hallway system. The walls were decorated with gilded blackstone and gold. There were more lava fountains lighting most of the halls, spiraling staircases leading to who-knows where. More soul lanterns adorned the hanging chandeliers.

The group was standing starstruck by the magnificent building before them. The halls continued on and on, with no end in sight. The crew began to chatter as they started the trek through the halls, looking around and taking in the beauty of the castle.

Amira had her head to the ground, emotions filling his system. Anger at Onyx for betraying her, sadness knowing that her friend was so far gone, confusion on why XD would want him, and awe at the marvelous castle that Onyx had built. She felt a tinge of regret for not joining her friend, courtesy of the small voice in her head that told her things that she hated about herself.

"Hey Copper, you good?..." Amira turned her head up and met Phil's kind eyes. "...You seem out of it"

Amira did her best to smile back, nodding. She always liked Phil. He understood that she didn't like to be pushed for information. She enjoyed his comforting presence, and how he knew just what to do or say to give her confidence in herself.


So I've had a falling out with the minecraft fandom-

With all the drama that's been going on since I last updated this I've just grown away from MCYTs in general, and I just don't feel like continuing this. I might just for the sake of writing something if I'm bored but I don't think I will. 

I've got a google doc full of this stuff so I'll make a chapter from all the stuff on the doc and then I'll probably abandon this. Ik it's been like a year, and I honestly forgot about this, but I'm gonna just dump whatever I have on this into a few chapters but yeah.

Bye- Froggy <3

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