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I'm still sick, but ya'know I've got all this time on my hands so I'm writing more of this.

Enjoy ; )


--- Today was a chore day. I didn't really anticipate anything troublesome with doing chores and well... cleaning, but XD truly hates me. I got kicked by Malum while washing him, the cows got out and trampled my wheat field, and I thought I lost my mask for a good thirty minutes. Building my house was the worst part though, I had to re-build the roof five times!

But I got a lot done. The house is done, and the TNT crater for the start of the tunnel system is ready. I know that I'm going to need a metric ton of materials to get this base going, but it's going to be awesome when I'm done. The tunnels going around an enormous cavern with mines branching off in every direction. This is a big project, but a necessary one. I need to move without being seen. Without Onyx, or Quackity, or anyone else being able to follow me.

The pickaxe I stole from Techno is the MVP of this project, I think I should name it, since it's quite important to me now. Lapis Eversor or Terebro (Google translate, Latin to English). They describe the tool quite well.

I'm still working on my plan to free Onyx, but so far none of the options have been suitable to what I want. But I refuse to give up on him. ---

As Amira finished her daily autobiography session, she tried to recall memories of her friend, but failed. It seemed that the only way she could remember her own past was through dreams.

Not an ideal situation, because dreams can be manipulated easily if you don't want to see something (fun fact: this is true! Your dreams are just memories mashed together to create either a nice peaceful environment or an abomination, if you don't want to remember something your dreams will reflect that and show that specific memory in a different way because you're trying to forget it but will also give something positive creating the nightmares where you're falling or being chased by something atrocious, like a crab or something else of that nature. It's a really cool concept!).


I am enjoying the fact that I can just sit and write all day. It's calming.

Sorry this bits shorter, it's more of a filler chapter that anything. 

Anygays, Luv you all!

--413 words--

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