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Hallo as you may or may not know this is a two perspective fic about two characters, Onyx and Amira, in the DSMP universe. I stared posting my half of the fic way before the other creator, Phregg, did so I'm a little bit of a lotta bit ahead in the story. As of now the two characters will be interacting having almost the same events happen on both perspectives, just in different connotation or context.

For that reason, I'm going to pause posting so I don't spoil the other book. It's really my fault for being inpatient and posting before they were ready, also I had already wrote a lot more than they had when I started posting, so yea... my bad-  But we've been working on this since spring and we've got a bunch of ideas for what to do on this!

I'll put the link to their story in an announcement and a comment, please go read it, Phregg did an amazing job on it! 

P.s I'm done with  the story entirely and I'm working on short little extras, plus after our story. and character sheets that will also be posted, either here or in another book so look out for that!


Good bye, and enjoy ~Froggy

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