Chapter 29: Let's Build a Robot Army

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ECHO-Lilith: Jack? Lilith here. Good news is we found an old Dahl robot factory, abandoned for the most part! We'll ECHO the Vault Hunter. Bad news is the scavs living there do NOT like us!

ECHO-Jack: Hey, that's awesome! Apart from the you-being-shot-at part, of course. Great work!

ECHO-Roland: Uh, thanks! We'll be in touch once we've dealt with these guys -- it's gonna be harder than it sounds!

ECHO-Jack: Yello? This thing working? Guys, you gotta get that factory's production line running again.

Skipper: I know the facility he's talking about -- I can help you navigate it. First you'll need to catch a train.


Tina: You really remember all the stuff these people said to you, word for word?

Chifuyu: I have a good memory.

Tina: What's the seventeenth thing Jack says in your story?

Chifuyu: "Uh, nothing, sir, everything's fine. Just, uh -- one of the Claptrap units tried to french kiss a light socket. Sir."

Tina: Oh whaaaaat I totally don't remember if you're right or not but still whaaaat.



We arrive at the lunar junction in Triton Flats

Skipper: This station hasn't been fully operational in a long time, but I can get it running again. There'll be a console around here somewhere -- get me to it and I'll do the rest.

We entered the trains station.

Skipper: I've been thinking -- now I'm free of... him, the future's so iridescently bright. A new life betokens a new name. Felicity. It means happiness. From now on -- I'm Felicity.

Athena: Um, sure -- Felicity.

Aurelia: Whatever gets you there.

Claptrap approached the console.

Felicity: Okay, plug me in. I'll call the train -- it might take a few minutes.

DAHL Systems: Ten-HUT! Train incoming!

Wilhelm: Nice.

ECHO-Jack: Okay, let's check out the factory and get things moving ASAP -- we need mucho robot bodies if we're going to retake Helios and save the day and stuff. Capiche?

The train arrived.

Felicity: Here we are. All aboard!

We took it to the Titan industrial facility. It looked pretty run down.

Jack: So, this is where we're gonna build the super-awesome robot army? Honestly? I'm a little, uh, disappointed.

Felicity: Aren't you the naysayer! Evidently this place became a regular ghost-town when Dahl packed up and left after the Crackening. But we just need to get to the powersuit section and get things up and running again.

We entered a long cooridor. It was full of torks.

Felicity: These filthy wire-chewers are everywhere! I hate them! Plus it looks like local scavs have set up shop. Push through here and find me a console to plug into so I can find out what's ahead. And kill me some bugs while you're at it.

Claptrap went to the console, while the rest of us were stomping bugs.

Felicity: I'd forgotten how fun exploring new systems can be! Right then. Past this building is the Stingray Factory Complex and, beyond that, the Bot Factory. It's a pretty straight shot. I should be able to get us past any locked gates. You can get us past any stupid people.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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