Ni Shuishui held the military knife with his backhand after threatening, and kept his eyes on Zhao Chiyu from the beginning to the end, and said in a melodious voice with a sense of constriction: "Give me the perverted thoughts in your mind, dare to move Mind, I'll be the first to send you to reincarnation."

    Zhao Chiyu swallowed hard, his nerves tensed, and he nodded with a stiff neck, saying that he would never touch Zhan Yuanmiao.

    She really can perceive other people's thoughts! This is not the first time, every time he thinks of something, she can find it. Several times, she has detected the danger in advance and successfully avoided it. This ability is not only effective for people, it seems to be effective for zombies too!

    Xie Tingzhou looked at Zhao Chiyu, who was sweating coldly, and said nothing, but from this moment on, he withdrew three points of trust in Zhao Chiyu.

    "Let's sew up his wound first." Xie Tingzhou said after taking the medicine box from Qin Rubing.

    Chen Xingmin leaned on Zhu Wei's shoulder to look at the military knife in Ni Shuishui's hand, and asked him in a low voice, "How can she know everything?" It's too abnormal, is this still human? Everyone experienced the apocalypse together, why didn't he learn these skills without a teacher?

    Zhu Wei shook his head and said he didn't know. He only knew that Ni Shuishui would really kill Zhao Chiyu if Zhao Chiyu dared to harm Zhan Yuanmiao.

    Ni Shuishui has changed too much. Now he can't combine the murderous Ni Shuishui in front of him with the crying Ni Shuishui before. What split personality can split into an all-round genius? Let him believe that she has a split personality, and he is more willing to believe that this body has a new core!

    Chen Xingmin went on to say: "Old Zhao is too pitiful. He obviously didn't do anything. Who wouldn't be afraid of being threatened by Ni Shuishui like this?"

    Zhu Wei nodded, really scared.

    Zhao Chiyu opened the medical box and didn't find a suture needle. Qin Rubing couldn't help it, so he dug out an ordinary embroidery needle for repairing clothes in the space and gave it to him.

    Zhao Chiyu skillfully disinfected tools with alcohol, and then pinched Zhan Yuanmiao's abdominal wound. Before the needle was inserted, Zhan Yuanmiao woke up.

    He grabbed Zhao Chiyu's wrist suddenly, and Zhao Chiyu screamed in pain in just a second, and let go of the embroidery needle with trembling fingers.

    "Zhan Yuanmiao!" Seeing that he woke up, Ni Shuishui quickly lifted the back of his head to check whether he was conscious.

    Zhao Chiyu was about to cry, his hand was going to be useless, useless, useless!

    Ni Shuishui knew how strong Zhan Yuanmiao was, so he wrapped his hand around the back of his hand to comfort him and said, "Zhan Yuanmiao is fine, he just wants to help you sew up the wound. Does your wound hurt? Don't be afraid, I will watch by the side. Let him give you the medicine, and it won’t hurt after you take the medicine.”

    Zhan Yuanmiao let go of Zhao Chiyu’s wrist under Ni Shuishui’s comfort, but within five or six seconds, Zhao Chiyu’s wrist was bruised and purple. Hurry up and stay away from Zhan Yuanmiao, blowing on his wrist distressedly, it was so dangerous that he almost broke a bone.

    What's even more frightening is that if Zhan Yuanmiao gets a wound, wouldn't he turn into a zombie? He still hasn't found the laboratory in Z City! How can it be infected? As long as there is a laboratory in Z city, he can develop a vaccine or antiviral serum to save his life!

After transmigrating into doomsday cannon fodder, I had HE with the villainWhere stories live. Discover now