I kept stomping his back as I heard his bones crack due to the pressure, I picked him up and threw him to the wall again as the crowd screamed and cheer I took the time smiling and waving but stopped when I was punched in the stomach, I fell back as something heavy was on me as I looked up and was quickly punched over and over. I screamed in pain as I felt something sharp stabbing my side I quickly kicked him off and stood up, I looked over to see my side bleeding, holding on to my bleeding side I glared at him as I went to attack again but was stabbed in the shoulder. I yelped as I gripped my shoulder, 

I quickly blocked him from stabbing my neck and quickly knocked him down I looked back up to the balcony as big mama nodded her head. I quickly stabbed his neck as blood gushed out of him landing on both me and the floor, I repeatedly stabbed his neck before he could regenerate, and I could hear the crowd scream with excitement and horror. Once his head was clean off his neck I held it up for everyone to see and they began to scream louder "Our battle nexus champion still stands!" Said the announcer I looked to the side to see the turtles with horror in their eyes, I get why they gave me that look. 

It's their first time here, they don't understand the rules down here. I looked away from them as I kicked the head into the crowd "Our 6-year champion still stands, let's see if someone is up for the challenge of the best fighter in the battle nexus, we'll be here next week to see if anyone is willing to fight the cursed cat, Jinx in the arena!" Said the announcer as I walked back into the now opened door as I walked in I saw one of the security "Hey there were four turtles out in the v.i.p bring them in my room" and with that, I left to my room. 

About five minutes later they came in "so what did you guys think of the show?" I told them as I pulled down my mask "Well uh it was something" Mikey said as he played with his finger "It was great it's just that seeing someone kill off someone else was a little too much for Raph" said Raph as he looked to the side "oh I forgot this is your first time seeing something like this" I said as they nodded "but on the side note loving the badass outfit, you were killing it, literally" Leo said as I laughed "thanks" I said but quickly hissed due to the stab wound on my side and shoulder

 "Hey you ok? You need a medic?" Said Donnie as he got closer "No no it's fine, I can heal myself" I said as lifted my shirt to show the wound healing "Woah how do you do that?" said Mikey as he watched "my mom was a witch and a healer, she can heal herself but it's at a slow rate. I got it from her" As the stab mark was gone I looked at them "I'm free right now. We should do some-" I was cut off as the door slammed open showing a tall annoying black and white bull "Whatever it is you were about to do consider it canceled and for this week forward as well. We need you for one of Big mama v.i.p party she's having in a few hours that need extra eyes. That and we have new shipments coming in tomorrow" said Jack he didn't even pass a glance as he was looking at his clipboard "What the hell Jack?! Since when the hell did you get back?" I told him as he rolled his goldish yellow eyes "Since yesterday dumbass"

3rd person pov

The two looked at each other angrily as the turtles watched "I was about to go out dude!" Yelled (y/n) as Jack looked through his clipboard "Well that could wait 'dude' we have more important things to do" "No YOU have things to do! I'm going out, I have the afternoon off so keep up with that schedule" they said as they went to the other room to change. Jack looked over that the turtles as he looked at them "And who are you? Are you their fans?" Raph smiled nervously and then looked up at him "Us? No i mean yes!, we're just their friends" "Leave them alone asshole"

 (y/n) said as they got out of the other room "Come on let's go, I don't wanna be here any longer" they said as the turtles waved at Jack while he ignored them and stared at (y/n) "I said you're not going out" "don't care now move Jack" jack didn't move as he crossed his arms and stood in front of the door

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